Monday, June 30
i m happily going back home....hehehehe
though i miss the tahlil, but still, food is stil waiting for me...mama ckp, ramai org datang....but i duno la d exact amount. sbb mama tempah mkn unt 100 org mkn, n ngam-ngam r...bley r aku merasa walaupun agak lewat sampai ke umah....
sampai tu, trus kene pakse kene g klinik sbb my cough ni la...n like alwiz, refused to go...
n smlm, mama aku ajak potong rmbut...n ak pn ikut la, mule2 tu juz nk basuh rmbut jek..memanjakan diri memandangkan spa dah penuh n x buat booking....[padan muke] so, end up nk g basuh rambut je r....pas2, bl dah sampai tu, ttb rs cam nk potong je rmbut...laz2,
me : potong la rambut, pendek...
amoi : nak wat camne ni???ini macam ok??
me : ok..nice
[gilos.......aku pn tak tau aku amik keputusan senekad tersebut...]
but d result is really makes me epi...its so damn cute, eventhough i look extra chubby with this hair cut...but i loved it....
but i really excited with my latest hair cut....
aritu baru potong rambut, i wonder y i decided to potong lagik....
now, my coughing is really2 bad...smapai my poksu pn tanye, dah g cek ke blum???n sbb my poksu is a safety officer, die pn ckp, u have to do check up...bla bla bla...
n laznite, aku decided nk tgk final EURO, tp end up, EURO tgk aku terbungkam depan tv....hehehhe
n now...another day of working day...n work is getting more n more it hectic??? took me 3 hours to post this entry because of there r so mny things need to clarify eventhough it juz early in d morning....*sigh*
c u later
Friday, June 27
post ke 123

n x psl2 gak la, arini kene g carik ubat batuk, n plus, kene r mkn ubat batuk sbb smlm, i had difficulty 2 sleep due to this coughing syndrome.
dilanda friday blue syndrome ke blue friday???[ntah r, otak gagla berfungsi dgn betul unt tentukan mn 1 adalah yg betul...].....huk huk huk..biase nyer org ade syndrome monday blue or blue monday???[lagi skali aku mls unt berpikir] cm biase la, aku ni kan extra weird skali....ari isnin over energetic, n g energy get lesser n lesser as time goes by....shhh...diz is a secret.d deepest secret....
terseksa sgt2..n yg pling x bez nyer, smlm, abah aku ckp,
'tak yah la blik, nnt 1hb nk blik lg...klo balik sok pn, ari sabtu dah nk kene blik...'
aku pn dgn tiada perasaan pada ketika itu, 'erm..tu r..'
pas2, bl arini tiba, otak aku dah berputar2 mencari idea unt mengisi kekosongan 2 hari akan dtg...ntah2, aku end up blik gak ptg ni..hahahaha.
mama ckp plak,
'tak balik ke minggu ni??'
aku plak, 'rs cm nk balik, ipa balik ek??'
'tu r, balik r, kang bosan plak duk umah tu sorang2...'
owh...aku amat syg mama aku...hehehehe
so, keputusan masih belum dibuat sampai ke detik ini...
nk g kl ker???g kl pn ok gak, g umah cik dah...
tp nyer, mls pn ade gak...
ntah la...kita tgk ape yg tjadi...
nnti kan entri seterusnya pada sok hari....unt mengetahui apakah keputusan ku...
sehingga berjumpa lg....
Thursday, June 26
counting days
wut is tadaa????dat is a secret i wont tell for now....hehehe
iv go thru my blogs n seems its pack with words....hahahaha.
for now, i really rely look forward for my convo this excited.after 4 years struggling to wake up for early classes n missed most of my morning classes.[oppss], pening2 wit assignments n stressed out with exams....its really learn, dream, fail, fall, get back on track, missteps, gain back again, hurt, joy, love, hatred, sometimes really mentally break down, then gain back again n finally, grad on time..yeay...its full of colors...everything iv learn n gain over those 4 years, cant nvr easily erasable.
the loved i used to had, the frenship which is remains...but most important is, the frenship that will nvr end....damn, i miss my girls....really miss them....
p/s : ama, if u do read this entry...pliz la tgk2 setting ko tuh..i stil cnt comment on ur blog la dear....haiyak..
Wednesday, June 25
rm1 juta
like what i heard on d radio juz now, its more reasonable to get corporate company to get involved instead of 100% of the money come from government...thats a great idea.
leave it aside....i guess, everyone is talking bout this rite now coz its quite an interesting thing....for now.
now, move on to smthng more personal...i duno since when i got this cough...its really killing longer ice in drinks or i will make it more spicy2 thing, even laznite, i reduce the amount of spice in my cook....its tasteless.....but wut to do....before it become worse....
while i m at office, i juz doing fine, but when i get back home...that is d critical time for my cough....n laz nite, sbb berangan ms tgh goreng ikan, kene minyk pns...sib bek de mederma...cpt2 sapu mederma kt tmpt kene minyk pns tu...[promosi mederma...hahahha]
lately...someone make me epi rite now..wake up call, lunch time call n dinner call...[cam meals in a day plak...lengkap..hehehehe]all of this because the rig doesnt have internet, or else, we end up chatting jek instead of calling....cian gak die kene queue [well, in rig, u hv to share the fon line]..thnkx babe...
pg td lagi r....'hey,its alredi 7 u know??'he said...n i repllied, ' yeah, i know...'ini adalah gara2 aku duk snooze je jam tu sampai aku pn subuh kul 7...subuh gajah aku arini...hehehehe.
did i tell u, smlm tgh syok2 tgk ezora, de r majlis perbandaran ni dtg umah...n ak ngn slumber badak nyer bersuar pendek kuar...memandangkan die dah lame duk kat luar, aku x sdr plak die de kat luar..hikhikhik..ttb die kasik aku surat suh aku byr rm500++.n i said like...wut the hell???this is x my ke ptt die suh ak sign mende alah yg x sepatutnyer mjadi milik aku tuh...n aku kan bijak mereka cerita ni...ak pn ckp, sori la kak, kwn sy yg deal ngn tuan rumah ni, bukan tau pn psl mende2 ni, sy tumpang kjap2 jek...n die pn percaye...ceh.ade ke ptt nk suh aku byr..x ke klaka tuh.....siap pakse2 aku sign lg...xmo aku....pas2, ak trus mengecall abah aku...abah ak ape lg, hangin r, npe plak ttb dorg nk aku yg byr kan....n at d end, die ckp, sbnrnyer tuan umah dah byr a day before...x ke plik tuh??men serbu je umah tu, pdhl everythng is already settled...x phm tul aku.sib bek di kala itu ade idea yg bernas unt mengelakkan aku dr sign mende alah tu...klo x, x psl2 aku kene byr....
byk btul perkara2 yg mewarnai ari aku smlm....tu aku x cite lg ttb senior aku cal, ckp die on d way to bentong 2 hv dinner wit me...bley thn gak membe aku tu sorg.buang tebiat sblm sempat die smpai, aku dah ttdo..hahahah.sori.pnt la.heheheheh.pas2 die ckp, ak g sn smate1 nk jmpe ko, ko leh ttido, hampeh tul....ak pn gelak je r..sape suh ko dtg.ak x suh pn...hehehehe...sengal x aku???bley tahan sengal gak aku peduli ape.dah ak dgn x sengaja nyer ttdo...trus dia pth balik...sib bek die br smpai gombak ms ak msg ak ckp kat die, 'wei, ak ngntk r...len kali r ek.'sib bek la membe aku ini memahami...walaupun ak sedikit kejam...takde r kejam sgt kot...die de amende ntah kat putrajaya, n die bosan r tuh..ak tau sgt die tuh....ske wat keje gile.ade ke ptt nk dinner smpai ke bentong??x logik tul...pas2 duk kutuk2 aku ckp xmo jmpe die..dah tu timing x btl, nk wat cmne..klo x, ak pow jek die.huhuhuhu....
k la...dah terlalu panjang plak entri ni...
Monday, June 23
fix it

driving alone in d car...tgh bosan2 n mengantuk sgt2...flyfm, with 'fix it' segment realy wake me up...'fix it' is a show whr listeners can emel them their problems n they will try to fix them..dats hoe d segment work....
n d problm today is a daughter of someone give an emel to the morning crew n tell them that she think her mum is cheating to them n of coz to d family as, the morning show crews called her mum n telling them wut her daughter felt n thnk bout her when she bumped into her wit another guy which is totally not her dad...n when she asked her mum, her mum said that that was her fren.she said that she need someone to talk to due to her family crisis....n d daughter seems like very hurts with that illogical statement...[illogical statement is due to my opinion laaa]
d young woman said tht d eldest didnt even thnk of their feelings n juz leave them alone over the weekend. n she did mention that her mum used to cheat on them, as a daughter n a listener, i think, her trust was being betrayed, thats y she cant accept the facts that her mums tell her..[in case if her mums did tell d truth laa]..this is wut happen in our world nowadays....
i dun know wut will this world will turn in to.....
talking bout infidelity....
my bezfren, which is a guy. i didnt want to mention his name coz this story is involving his n his family's pride....when i was at stall, waiting for my mihun kari being packed, i bumped into him. n my mum knows his fmly told me smthng which is very shocking... his mum was emitted to hospital coz of heart attack when knowing that his dad is married to the other girl...
can u imagine??how hurt she was when knowing that her beloved husband married to the other girl...she is perfectly well b4 that n suddenly got heart attack..
n due to my situation rite now, being single mite b a better way so far...too much infidelity nowadays really scared me out to b in relationship b seriously in relationship again..
my mum did ask me, do u hv anyone so far, n i juz told her, i m ok witout a man mama...
tgk la mama *****, how hurt she was...n i dun thnk i m dat strong to b in dat relationship...its true that everythng is already fated...but it juz, i m too scared...too scared to b in that kind of relationship...
syahnur once told me, dun b too comfortable being single...[lupe ayt penuh nyer, tp overall die ckp camtu la...]
but babe, wut worth of life being in relationship if it hurts u....
ntah r...too many tragics moment that i know bout couple, putus tunang, kawin lain, madu, eloped .....things that make me believed that there is no true love exist...
absolutely no true love existed in this world...
yup, i admit, being single is bored sometimes, but at lez, i m epi n my feeling is x hurting...
iv been thru so mny things so far....n i knw others went thru a lot lot more horrifying juz, i m not believe in love anymore....for me, its enuf wit loves that i had thru my family n i know Allah is loving me..mungkin suatu hari, hati aku terbuka unt marriage, i dun know.but for now, i m absolutely not ready...

Saturday, June 21
jari2 ini menari
so, juz let this fingers dancing on d keyboard while my mind running thru whole things to find something to write down....
actualy, everyone still membuta...aku plak, pg2 ts adik aku dah ajak g jog, mls la nk smbg tdo blik, so, mengadapla mende alah ini tanpa tujuan...
sinister bz wit model photoshoot at grave yards...dats wut he told me b4...klo aku send msg time2 die bz, bukan die reply pn,so x yah la kaco org bz...nnt bl die dah x bz, then he knows how to find me...rite???
syahnur...yeay, now i know how to spell ur name rite...hehehehe
syahnur is heading to in d middle of la.die g laut....sempat hang out wit him laz nite...its been a long time n he is still d same. i mean, klo terserempak kat memane, i stil can remember him kan, aku sbnrnyer cam malu2...hahahah.bongok tul..nape la aku leh malu2,aku pn x tau..konpius minda ni....mungkin sbb kitorg ni mmg la 1 skolah dl, tp x pnh pn jg clique...but we can fit in.
alang....erk.its been a long time i didnt contact him...i wonder what he is doin rite now...barbeque at senawang in a week time, mite b bz wit dat kot....
drag, pas few days miscall juz miss call n i ask, y miscal???to make sure u stil breathing...hahahaha.then i realize, its been awhile i didnt contact him...sory drag...
iv been extra bz works really steal my time to juz lazying around...
ama..mite b bz wit his journal reading i guess...c, ngn ama pn aku dah jrg sgt2 msg...sory dear...
akak, ntah...hv no clue...
wahid, juz send me a lovely country juno, all i want is you...n diz songs realy lovely...die menjadi tukang msk di rumah skrg...caya lah wahid.
org len....i hv no idea....
owh ya....huda bz wit her kad kawin projek..sape2 nk kawin, bley r inform me, n uda will design ur cards....n she is so creative. u can count on her....
sarah....erk, laz msg i received, 'babe, sory2 i was in d cinema juz now.y u call???' n like alwiz, aku tertekan...hahaha.cowi sarah
'babe'...reminds me of someone...someone who is in d midle of love crisis...i can tell dat he is very need to rush la, juz take ur time to look at d whole system..but jgn amik ms lame sgt, u mite b terlepas ape ade dpn mate..its hard to be rational at this time, but u have at lez tried....tu je la yg mampu aku advise kat die kot...d decision is urs...coz u color ur life...rite???
'babe' also reminds me of my girls...ida especially.
'lalink' reminds me of wahid....u will alwiz me mau turun bentong ni lalink?who is wahid???can refer to previous post....
quote of d day
.:: u never know wut u've get till its gone::.
Thursday, June 19
move on
being extra bz this few damn busy...
dats y la xle nk, update skit2 je r....
update later....
Tuesday, June 17
23 in coming
camne ek birthday aku thn ni...
i turn 23 in another month time!!!!uwaa....
so unbelievable how fast time can just pass by....
nk flash back la....
biase nyer la kan, ms kecik2 dl, my parents akan celebrate birthday kitorg ngn beli cake n blow d candle n mama gave me kisses...after dat, dinner kat luar...begini la aku celebrate birthday aku sampai la aku msk hostel..
mule2 msk hostel, mama call n celebrate wit frens....miss my mum's kisses on my bithday....
stil got cakes but mama's kisses on my birthday is x there....its x like mama dont kiss me at other time,it just, that is d best moment on my birthday. mama mmg ske kiss anak2 birthday kiss is sumthng different....sentimental value kot....uwaaa....
after that, went to mtrix....this time, i manage to celebrate kt umah....juz a small cake n dinner at nite...seriously..i love d the moz valuable present which is, birthday kiss....
then, 4 years in USM....skali pn x pnh sempat nk celebrate birthday kat umah......
but i do appreciate my frens over there....surprise parties, trip to bukit much fun!!!!org2 yg tanpa jemu clbrt birthday aku adalah wahid, fari, ama, akak n u guys...[ke korg jemu???hahaha]
thn lps, trip to bukit bendera with my girls....
thn x celebrate jek.....sedih..sob sob sob
sambut birthday ngn pakwe???never!!!!hahahahha....klaka kan...even ngn acap dl 3 thn kapel, x pnh pn aku celebrate ngn, i m alone....lagi la xde harapan nk celebrate ngn pakwe...hahahha
x heran pn....x celebrate ngn pakwe pn, epi gak aku time birthday aku....
tp tringin tu ade gak r..kuang3..myb next year...ntah.who knows...rite???
tp kan, d more d merrier....hahhahahha
kite tgk ape yg tjadi pada 17 july nnt....
Monday, June 16
in memory of qyra
n suddenly, smthng reminds me of darth qyra....
i m supposed to be lady death...but end up, shoot for darth qyra....
mule2 tu amat la malu2...after that, xde maknenyer nk malu2...hahahah
so, this is sin's work....
wut he told me, this photoshoot si for editing....
byk lagi x jumpe letak mn...

nice kan dorg nyer work...i love it so much...
n plus, i miss the photoshot...i really miss dat time..
uwaa...miss spending time with u guys!!!!
it seems imposible for me to go thr or for them to visit me for, there is nothing in bentong dat can atract them 2 come over here....
im so grateful, surrounded with great frens....
sleepy head
hahaha...n membe aku memperkenalkan 1 website ni
aku ngntuk 1 hari ini...bgn 5 pg...ciap2 [ kene bertolak awal sbb kene smpai office b4 830]...btolak dr umah slps smayang subuh...cejuk gile air.sampai menggigil2 aku....klo x keje, aku biase mandi tgh maklumla, time cuti je bley bgn lwt..n klo time keje, aku mandi bl dah nk g keje...kul 7 lbh baru mandi...smayang2 dl, gosok2 baju br g mandi..dah lame gile aku x mandi sblm subuh....gile cejuk!!!!!
pas2, kesan daripada bgn awal n kurang tido....aku lemau sepanjang hari...tapi xde r lemau sgt...sbb sume keje aku takde keje tu la membebankan diri kau unt trus stay alert..kpale aku pn cm dah biol2 dah ni....kes nyer, smlm aku try tdo awal...dr kul 10 aku msk bilik n tdo atas katill....aku xle tido.sabo je r..aku ciap g mkn pas2, g mandi aku mls nk g amik selimut...sbb aku mmg susah nk tido klo xde selimut...walaupun tgh di sbb kn malas yg menebal,aku rele xmo g amik comforter...hahaha..n padah nyer, aku tido dgn x lene.....padan muke.pas2 lemau 1 hari...
pastu membebel di dalam blog...pas2 wat muke ngntuk!!!!huargh...kali ke bape ntah aku menguap.aku pn x tau
Sunday, June 15
old fren of mine
kinda excited...bukan slalu kite jumpe n kontek blik kawan lame kan...
i think he is doin fine...n he is handsome too....kuang3....
tp xle nk jmpe sbb die keje n aku pun keje gak....kekangan masa.mayb nex time...ait??
n excited gak when we talked bout mustaqeem...die ni kinda hot stuff ms kat skolah dl...but not 4me la kan....aku kan with my own world.which is sports n lepak2 wit frens....
its been 11 years....camne ek die skrg..huuhuhuh
frens will nvrend..rite???
smlm aku de tbaca smthng sumwhr...aku pn lupe kat mn...
die tulis camni....
once u forgive, u wil b forget....
aku pn kurang aku suke ayt tuh....
n here is d pics when me n my sis gedik2...r we look cute???hahhahaha

Saturday, June 14
entry 111
sib bek kan...klo x..memang la memalukan...hahahhaa
arini mkn ngn byk gak..ari2 aku mkn ngn byk...
to ida : aku bli jeans kat MNG ngn harga yg amat murah..sure ko jealous kan...hahahah
tp x yah la ko jeles sgt...aku bli pn sbb mak aku dah lame x beli jeans....
erm..slps 1 hari tmn adik aku shopping brg die.....pnt gak r.sume mende nk bli...isk isk la x penah duk tu xpe r..aku kan kakak yg baik..kuang3..
sempat kuar n borak2 ngn huda....
aku tgh geram ni...membe aku ms skolah, die ckp kat member aku time kat USM...die ckp, 'sy x knl fakira'
b*b* tul r....padahal duk dkt umah aku jek..aku pn, di sbbkn die x knl aku..ak pn mls nk amik tau hal die....lantak la aku nk lyn...
kembali kpd cite aku n uda...its been awhile aku x jmpe die...n die ckp, die nk tunangbln 10 ni...kuang3..bln 10 ni, 1 membe aku kawin n uda, my best fren nk tunang...
smpt lg tuh, tnye psl aku..n like alwiz jwpn aku....'xde org nk'
sng n simple n xde r org nk panjang2kan cite..end of story....
for comes when its a rite time to come.....
so, biar la dorg nk tunang or kawin...jodoh dorg dah kan....aku sbgai kawan. tumpang gembira unt korg sume...n doakan semoga berkekalan..Amin
skrg, sudah kenyang mkn durian..mau tido....
i m home
damn i love to b home.....hehehehe
y???coz i know that i surrounded by the one dat loved me n i loved them back....n i love the feeling when u can lie down on mama's lap n she will play wit ur hair..i love..i love...
but its only for 2 days....tomorrow have to go back to there....
bout my journey laznite..
laznite i tried not to break the rules...trying to maintain my driving....yeah, i did it in certain places but got bored n terlajak tekan paddle minyak...hahahaha
cannot la..i drive alone!!!!i lov the thrill when u hv to focus on ur driving in speedin....but overall, its only 120 je r[slow je kan]...not like b4..dats y it takes me 2 1/2 hours to reach home...such a long drive.....
but i still manage to watch EURO!!!but only 10 mins...after that, EURO watch me...hahahahah
pastu kene marah ngn abah sbb tido kat luar....huhuhuhu.
k laa....nk merayau2 sorg2 diri jap....
adios amigos....
Friday, June 13
si putih

untuk menjawab soalan sarah....
ini la siputih aku....tersadai di dpn office....
i love diz car so much..peneman aku di mana shj....
cian si putih kan...dah lame x basuh..xpe2..nnt kat umah, kite g mandi yer...
pastu nnt, si putih tentu lah comel spt si putih yg ku knl dl...kan si putih??
aritu smpt vacuum je si putih ni...
si putih kesygn ku....
my only love.....d one n only love....
tp di saat2 harga mknn si putih naik ni....aku teramat la susah takpe, demi si putih, aku gagahkan diri gak membeli mknn si putih....walaupun aku x mkn...semuanya demi si putih...
aku sanggup buat ape sj...walaupun awal pagi unt bagi mkn kepada si putih...
si putih ku syg!!!!
impatiently wait
dan pulang ke rumah...sedikit mengantuk kerana smlm tido dalam keadaan yg amat x best...
tp pagi ni mkn mknn yg, a lil cheerful today.hehehehe
mkn nasi lemak [ home made...walaupun aku sekadar tlg tumbuk bwg..hehehehe]
n dunkin donuts....yeay!!!perfect 10 for fats...
Jason Mraz I'm yours Lyrics
Thursday, June 12
entry melepaskan marah
d biggest liar iv ever known!!!!!
aku tgh geram,its been awhile i didnt hurt this much!!!!
thank u to U coz sedarkan aku balik tntg prsn ini!!!
thank u so much.....
its 1108
gilak!!!thats the best words to explain everything....
n plus, right now, iv been missing the whole things i left in penang...
since iv found alang's pics in myscififan n his iron man hat, i miss the photoshoot sessions, the cosplay, jalan2 pusing penang, spend the weekends hang out with those guys, karaoke till 4am (unfortunately, cni xjumpe lg membe nk melalak), i miss everything laa.....

n also, miss my homies back in penang...ama, pemegang rahsia terbesar so far.. wahid, akak, fari. basketball, lepak2, melalak lam bilik, lepak ane, jln2 tanpa arah tujuan kat mall (and end up shopping)...its been 4 years of memories...damn, i miss everyone....
memandangkan penang is sooooo far away, iv decided just go home to kill my "missesness"..
tgh aku duk feeling ingt kat korg sume, dpt msg
"nk laksa penang?akak leh bungkus kan"
aku pun tanpa segan silu mereply
akhir nya, walau pun aku jauh dari laksa n cendol 'longkang',aku ttp bley mkn laksa...
erm..tinggal kan dulu ngn kegilaan aku tuh, kite bertukar kpd something yg menarik minat aku... khabar2 angin mengatakan bahawa esok akan ada perhimpunan unt berterima kasih kpd kerajaan kerana tidak menaikkan minyak hingga rm4.40... interesting kan?? skrg pendekatan secara reverse psychology...dgn harapan kerajaan akan dorg phm ke???ntah la...jgn naikkan lagi harga minyk sampai rm4.40 dah r...mati la org2 yg makan gaji cam aku ni.... ini adalah satu approach yg baru....n i really want to c the consequent from this 'perhimpunan'...
Wednesday, June 11
20 more days
mayb after 20 days, il let u guys know....
will u miss me when i m gone??when u cnt reach me, will u worried???
nah...i dun think u will...coz i m just me....n i wont expecting much or i mite say, i will let things go..things that i think i will have a lil magic to make it happen.but till now, there is no light at d end of tunnel....or mayb i still cnt find the way out from this tunnel...
lantak la...i m tired of everything...really really tired n its time for me to let go of everything. the things dat i keep on holding on all along the way...
we nvr know wut will face us ahead...its hard for me to let go,seriously....but as time goes by, i dun thnk its not d best way to hold on anymore....mayb letting go is an option is certain cases. mayb ost of time, letting go is not my option, but this time, it mite b....just wait n c....
Tuesday, June 10
dinner momento

after having a huge potion of everythng on the table....kene la exercise..n we r extra photo gedik in the photo session....
n itu shj buat ms ini....kerana kekurangna bateri, itu shj lah gmaba yg bley di capture termasuk gamba2 poyo yg len yg bukn untuk tatapan umum....sekian...
losing.....doesn't mean you're a loser,
loser on the other hand...means nothing,
as long as you planning to keep on trying though...
on the contrary,
losing will be horrifying if only,
you accept the loss and lost yourself into thousands pieces,
as if someone will try to pull yourself together though....
but if you r losing,
you accept the loss and hold yourself together,
then it's more than anything,
compares to's something....
don't b a quitter if you're a loser,
as the frog in fairy tale can become a prince,
so does cinderella who become a princess,
yes you too my fren yes you can,
not to be the frog though,
or cinderella you not,
but a prince/princess of your own,
let you know the value of yourself,
so that one day,
you can be the prince/princess of someone's heart....
never be a quitter as you are more than you thought you were...
its 101 dalmation
had chance to meet up with a fren of mine after 2 years we didnt c each die leh plak g layan psp...tau r ade psp baru x kisah r.pas2 g tengok kungfu panda yang amat comel...po.sungguh best cerite ini...serious...sgt2 bez.awal cam bosan skit sbb die bmula ngn po pastu, sgt la bez...dah lama x nengok wayang sbnrnnye...nk wat movie marathon sbnrnye tp nyer takde seat sbb kitorg g dah tgh hari...bout my fren, skrg dah berisi skit, klo dulu, keding gile.skrg i think he looks better dat way..n like alwiz, die ni suke tease org, n aku la menjadi mangsa kekejaman die tuh....but its ok, coz he knows me since high school..pas2 ngadu kat aku, aku pukul sakit.padan muke, sape suh tease aku....kuang3

ini la membe aku yg lame x jumpe tuh....mintka maaf di atas kepoyoan dlaam gmabo ni..die mmg poyo pun..hahahahah
pastu, cam biase, keje la...ari sabtu org x keje, aku kene keje...ari isnin org cuti, aku pn kene keje....kuang3.aku di kelilingi ngn org2 yg workaholic yg turut menyebabkan aku menjadi workaholic...ok r for now sbb nye aku mmg xde komitmen len selain keje n my parents...
urusan aku selesai...kesian azrul, urusan die masih tergendala akibat akak sengal di kaunter yg x consider org lgsg...bongok tul..hangin tul aku ngn akak kerek tuh!!!!
soalan kpd hati
"do u ever feel comfy around someone???u just feel free to b u..n u never ever worried bout things that u talked bout, d way u acted, coz u know they will accept u d way u r...n each time u r with them, u feel so confident n u feel like u r d prettiest n u own d world..."
d things dat i keep on thinking lately.....
Saturday, June 7
mkn cam biase r...aku klo mkn mmg x hingat nyer...main ngap jek...lupe psl kene turun bukit yg ular kene palu tuh, kami pn pening ms on d way turun...hahahha
ini la penangan akibat drpd mkn x beringat...hehehehe
sbb night b4 dat dah tso lwt n x ckp tdo n keje 1 hari,mlm tu trus pengsan.....
mls tul nk kejee....n arini aku tkejut sbb kete aku bbau cam bangkai...x tau r nape..tensen gile....
x kn de mende mati kot lam kete...dah carik.xde pape pn....aku konpius lg....
uwaa......x thn td br terjadi perkara nih.......
gamba2 smlm akan di upload jeeva, d 1 dat im dealing wit at clmar, said dat bukit tinggi is vry suitable for newly married couple...sbb kul 10 dah sunyi...ahaks.but 4 me, klo nk honeymoon, i prefer a place where we can do things together...i mean like strolling along d beaches ke, men theme park ke, tgk2 wayang ke, bermalas2an b2 klo nk g kat bukit tinggi n hv nothng to do, cam bosan jek...
tp kan, setiap org de cara masing2 kan???
Thursday, June 5
petrol ooo petrol
so, bz doing nothing in d car, i snap lots of pic but i cant transfer it coz i hv to do som work now...manage to get a dozen of dunkin donut n finish it all by my self...
well, food crisis is still on n i eat like hell...[wut an ignorant person]

after when back to bentong, guess wut...mama call n tell me that petrol price is far, the highest...n luckily, my dad gave me si putih n si putih is very petrol saving car for me compare to my previous one...but my plan to go back home this weekend is totally out of plan already....before this, petrol plus tol, it will coz me around rm50..n bout rm100 travelling back n, i guess,its totally more thn that....
n i stuck in petrol pump bout an hour...padahal aku antara yg terawal..this is the photo's iv been taken while waiting for my turn to fill up my petrol....

this is when i get there...n this is when ive been waiting...bentong is a small town.n i cn tell, it shud b worse in big town..luckily, iv been here in bentong instead of kl...they said, in kl, its been congested since 5pm....

so that's it....they all keep saying that petrol price issue n food crisis is a global issue...yeah, i know n c it...they are saying that by august, we might hv to pay about rm4 for a litre, i think, changing into gas engine is better...because gasses is much much more cheaper thn petrol....camne la gas bley lagi murah dr petrol...padahal get into the same process overall...[still confusing]
bout food crisis, they r saying that palm oil is increasing....hey, we hv out own plantation...nape plak la nk mek harga minyak....bukan nyer kite import pun...[pening lagi skali] plus, other fruits which is totally from local..itu pun mau naik ker???[bertambah pening]
after all d calculation,my income is totally cant afford to go jolly anymore....Alhamdulillah, i still have my job eventhough in all of this crisis..
Wednesday, June 4

semalam, seperti biase, menunggu rancangan kegemaran ku, sindarela....
lame gak la aku wondering, sin,dar&ela...makne nyer..upe2 nyer, husin, haidar and zoela...slow btul la aku ni...itu pn lambat nk pick up..huhuhu
smlm, comel gile..n swit...they doesnt know dat they love each other..they tot its only one sided love...
kan bez klo aku camtu, if my love is no longer one sided love..
Tuesday, June 3
bosan di pagi hari di ofis

miss diz shimadzu girl..hehehehe
sorry ama...another post sabotaj u...hehehehe

found this pic while searching for pics for my next GNT blog....
taken by alang at TAS...its been awhile coz alang is no longer there....n me is no longer in penang...its on sin's birthday...after movie marathon...n decided to just go to alang's place...n after dat, makan2 at Kapitan...[like alwiz]
after dat, when back home....

this is taken by eri...die sbnrnye nk snap ms ak tido...sbb time ni aku cam blur2 die xle amik sbb time aku tido, aku ske ttp muke sbb, ni apparently gamba sblm aku tlelap kot or ak br bgn tido..ak pn dah lupe
so, entry ini adalah menambah update later...
Monday, June 2
weekend yg sedih....
thsi is not d 1st time my cousin died coz of cancer...d 1st one is abang long. he died coz of leukemia. ppl said dat cancer is genetic, smtms make me think of this...ajal maut dah di tetapkakn kan???so, x de r aku pk sgt...
sedih tgk anak-anak dia...anak die yang sulung baru darjah 5. and yg last 3 tahun...d lil boy doesnt know dat his mum is already gone forever...alya, d oldest daughter, can c how sad she was on dat day...its been 2 years since she was diagnosed with muscle cancer...and its been 2 years she has to bear with kimo and radiotherapy things...
iv been there on thursday and on saturday, b4 when back to kemaman, have some lil time to go shopping at KB...n like alwiz, shop till drop...hahahhaha
then, went back to my house n d next day, g umah atuk plak...he is a lil unwell..he got fever.but like alwiz, he will b epy if anak cucu die balik n start makan2 n makan ubat...n seems ok b4 we went back home...
wut a tiring weekend...traveling the whole weekend. n like alwiz, ,my dad is refused to drive the car...n mangsa nye unt drive adalah aku...n adik aku pn malas sbb byk kete...wut to do, drive je r....
n driving in d highway smlm amatla mentensionkan aku...ade motor convoi ramai2 and conquer d left side of the road...x kisah la klo die x kaco org. but they block d road...n pissed me off all over the way..sbb dorg ni convoi x cam convoi...ptt nyer, dorg ikut marshall..ini marshall nyer ttinggal kat blakang, n dorg berterabur..sgt2 la skit hati...dah la bl aku stop nk solat asar, die mengconquer kawasan parking plak..pas2, i hv to stop at another r&r laaa...xkn la nk bersesak2 ngn, perjalanan smlm amat memenatkan...
n today...back to work...with upset stomach...nape ntah perut aku arini...
hopefully it will get better....