Tuesday, June 10


...narrator...:: ekey'z

losing.....doesn't mean you're a loser,
loser on the other hand...means nothing,
as long as you planning to keep on trying though...

on the contrary,
losing will be horrifying if only,
you accept the loss and lost yourself into thousands pieces,
as if someone will try to pull yourself together though....

but if you r losing,
you accept the loss and hold yourself together,
then it's more than anything,
compares to everything...it's something....

don't b a quitter if you're a loser,
as the frog in fairy tale can become a prince,
so does cinderella who become a princess,
yes you too my fren yes you can,
not to be the frog though,
or cinderella you not,
but a prince/princess of your own,
let you know the value of yourself,
so that one day,
you can be the prince/princess of someone's heart....

never be a quitter as you are more than you thought you were...



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