miss diz shimadzu girl..hehehehe
sorry ama...another post sabotaj u...hehehehe

found this pic while searching for pics for my next GNT blog....
taken by alang at TAS...its been awhile coz alang is no longer there....n me is no longer in penang...its on sin's birthday...after movie marathon...n decided to just go to alang's place...n after dat, makan2 at Kapitan...[like alwiz]
after dat, when back home....

this is taken by eri...die sbnrnye nk snap ms ak tido...sbb time ni aku cam blur2 dah...tp die xle amik sbb time aku tido, aku ske ttp muke sbb silau...so, ni apparently gamba sblm aku tlelap kot or ak br bgn tido..ak pn dah lupe
so, entry ini adalah menambah gamba....il update later...
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