had chance to meet up with a fren of mine after 2 years we didnt c each other...tp die leh plak g layan psp...tau r ade psp baru pun...tp x kisah r.pas2 g tengok kungfu panda yang amat comel...po.sungguh best cerite ini...serious...sgt2 bez.awal cam bosan skit sbb die bmula ngn po bermimpi..tp pastu, sgt la bez...dah lama x nengok wayang sbnrnnye...nk wat movie marathon sbnrnye tp nyer takde seat sbb kitorg g dah tgh hari...bout my fren, skrg dah berisi skit, klo dulu, keding gile.skrg i think he looks better dat way..n like alwiz, die ni suke tease org, n aku la menjadi mangsa kekejaman die tuh....but its ok, coz he knows me since high school..pas2 ngadu kat aku, aku pukul sakit.padan muke, sape suh tease aku....kuang3

ini la membe aku yg lame x jumpe tuh....mintka maaf di atas kepoyoan dlaam gmabo ni..die mmg poyo pun..hahahahah
pastu, cam biase, keje la...ari sabtu org x keje, aku kene keje...ari isnin org cuti, aku pn kene keje....kuang3.aku di kelilingi ngn org2 yg workaholic yg turut menyebabkan aku menjadi workaholic...ok r for now sbb nye aku mmg xde komitmen len selain keje n my parents...
urusan aku selesai...kesian azrul, urusan die masih tergendala akibat akak sengal di kaunter yg x consider org lgsg...bongok tul..hangin tul aku ngn akak kerek tuh!!!!
soalan kpd hati
"do u ever feel comfy around someone???u just feel free to b u..n u never ever worried bout things that u talked bout, d way u acted, coz u know they will accept u d way u r...n each time u r with them, u feel so confident n u feel like u r d prettiest n u own d world..."
d things dat i keep on thinking lately.....
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