driving alone in d car...tgh bosan2 n mengantuk sgt2...flyfm, with 'fix it' segment realy wake me up...'fix it' is a show whr listeners can emel them their problems n they will try to fix them..dats hoe d segment work....
n d problm today is a daughter of someone give an emel to the morning crew n tell them that she think her mum is cheating to them n of coz to d family as well...so, the morning show crews called her mum n telling them wut her daughter felt n thnk bout her when she bumped into her wit another guy which is totally not her dad...n when she asked her mum, her mum said that that was her fren.she said that she need someone to talk to due to her family crisis....n d daughter seems like very hurts with that illogical statement...[illogical statement is due to my opinion laaa]
d young woman said tht d eldest didnt even thnk of their feelings n juz leave them alone over the weekend. n she did mention that her mum used to cheat on them before...me, as a daughter n a listener, i think, her trust was being betrayed, thats y she cant accept the facts that her mums tell her..[in case if her mums did tell d truth laa]..this is wut happen in our world nowadays....
its not only men do that, now, women is dare enuf to do that....i dun know wut will this world will turn in to.....
talking bout infidelity....
my bezfren, which is a guy. i didnt want to mention his name coz this story is involving his n his family's pride....when i was at stall, waiting for my mihun kari being packed, i bumped into him. n my mum knows his fmly told me smthng which is very shocking... his mum was emitted to hospital coz of heart attack when knowing that his dad is married to the other girl...
can u imagine??how hurt she was when knowing that her beloved husband married to the other girl...she is perfectly well b4 that n suddenly got heart attack..
n due to my situation rite now, being single mite b a better way so far...too much infidelity nowadays really scared me out to b in relationship again....to b seriously in relationship again..
my mum did ask me, do u hv anyone so far, n i juz told her, i m ok witout a man mama...
tgk la mama *****, how hurt she was...n i dun thnk i m dat strong to b in dat relationship...its true that everythng is already fated...but it juz, i m too scared...too scared to b in that kind of relationship...
syahnur once told me, dun b too comfortable being single...[lupe ayt penuh nyer, tp overall die ckp camtu la...]
but babe, wut worth of life being in relationship if it hurts u....
ntah r...too many tragics moment that i know bout couple, putus tunang, kawin lain, madu, eloped .....things that make me believed that there is no true love exist...
absolutely no true love existed in this world...
yup, i admit, being single is bored sometimes, but at lez, i m epi n my feeling is x hurting...
iv been thru so mny things so far....n i knw others went thru a lot lot more horrifying experiences...it juz, i m not believe in love anymore....for me, its enuf wit loves that i had thru my family n i know Allah is loving me..mungkin suatu hari, hati aku terbuka unt marriage, i dun know.but for now, i m absolutely not ready...

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