Monday, June 30


...narrator...:: ekey'z
n d answer is...[refer to previous entry]
i m happily going back home....hehehehe
though i miss the tahlil, but still, food is stil waiting for me...mama ckp, ramai org datang....but i duno la d exact amount. sbb mama tempah mkn unt 100 org mkn, n ngam-ngam r...bley r aku merasa walaupun agak lewat sampai ke umah....

sampai tu, trus kene pakse kene g klinik sbb my cough ni la...n like alwiz, refused to go...
n smlm, mama aku ajak potong rmbut...n ak pn ikut la, mule2 tu juz nk basuh rmbut jek..memanjakan diri memandangkan spa dah penuh n x buat booking....[padan muke] so, end up nk g basuh rambut je r....pas2, bl dah sampai tu, ttb rs cam nk potong je rmbut...laz2,
me : potong la rambut, pendek...
amoi : nak wat camne ni???ini macam ok??
me : ok..nice
[gilos.......aku pn tak tau aku amik keputusan senekad tersebut...]
but d result is really makes me epi...its so damn cute, eventhough i look extra chubby with this hair cut...but i loved it....

but i really excited with my latest hair cut....
aritu baru potong rambut, i wonder y i decided to potong lagik....

now, my coughing is really2 bad...smapai my poksu pn tanye, dah g cek ke blum???n sbb my poksu is a safety officer, die pn ckp, u have to do check up...bla bla bla...

n laznite, aku decided nk tgk final EURO, tp end up, EURO tgk aku terbungkam depan tv....hehehhe

n now...another day of working day...n work is getting more n more it hectic??? took me 3 hours to post this entry because of there r so mny things need to clarify eventhough it juz early in d morning....*sigh*

c u later



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