Wednesday, June 25

rm1 juta

...narrator...:: ekey'z
laznite, government decided to increase the compensate to the athletes. n the increment is really, shock me out....from rm160, 0000 to A MILLION ringgit for Gold medal holder..does it sound tooo grand???n now, everyone wish to b an athlete n win a Gold medal in olympic a blink of eyes, u can b a millionaire....but to win a gold medal in olypic game is not an easy job afterall...maybe they worth it or maybe not....[depends on individual opinion]

like what i heard on d radio juz now, its more reasonable to get corporate company to get involved instead of 100% of the money come from government...thats a great idea.

leave it aside....i guess, everyone is talking bout this rite now coz its quite an interesting thing....for now.

now, move on to smthng more personal...i duno since when i got this cough...its really killing longer ice in drinks or i will make it more spicy2 thing, even laznite, i reduce the amount of spice in my cook....its tasteless.....but wut to do....before it become worse....
while i m at office, i juz doing fine, but when i get back home...that is d critical time for my cough....n laz nite, sbb berangan ms tgh goreng ikan, kene minyk pns...sib bek de mederma...cpt2 sapu mederma kt tmpt kene minyk pns tu...[promosi mederma...hahahha]

lately...someone make me epi rite now..wake up call, lunch time call n dinner call...[cam meals in a day plak...lengkap..hehehehe]all of this because the rig doesnt have internet, or else, we end up chatting jek instead of calling....cian gak die kene queue [well, in rig, u hv to share the fon line]..thnkx babe...
pg td lagi r....'hey,its alredi 7 u know??'he said...n i repllied, ' yeah, i know...'ini adalah gara2 aku duk snooze je jam tu sampai aku pn subuh kul 7...subuh gajah aku arini...hehehehe.

smlm dpt tgk sindarela....yeay

did i tell u, smlm tgh syok2 tgk ezora, de r majlis perbandaran ni dtg umah...n ak ngn slumber badak nyer bersuar pendek kuar...memandangkan die dah lame duk kat luar, aku x sdr plak die de kat luar..hikhikhik..ttb die kasik aku surat suh aku byr rm500++.n i said like...wut the hell???this is x my ke ptt die suh ak sign mende alah yg x sepatutnyer mjadi milik aku tuh...n aku kan bijak mereka cerita ni...ak pn ckp, sori la kak, kwn sy yg deal ngn tuan rumah ni, bukan tau pn psl mende2 ni, sy tumpang kjap2 jek...n die pn percaye...ceh.ade ke ptt nk suh aku byr..x ke klaka tuh.....siap pakse2 aku sign lg...xmo aku....pas2, ak trus mengecall abah aku...abah ak ape lg, hangin r, npe plak ttb dorg nk aku yg byr kan....n at d end, die ckp, sbnrnyer tuan umah dah byr a day before...x ke plik tuh??men serbu je umah tu, pdhl everythng is already settled...x phm tul aku.sib bek di kala itu ade idea yg bernas unt mengelakkan aku dr sign mende alah tu...klo x, x psl2 aku kene byr....

byk btul perkara2 yg mewarnai ari aku smlm....tu aku x cite lg ttb senior aku cal, ckp die on d way to bentong 2 hv dinner wit me...bley thn gak membe aku tu sorg.buang tebiat sblm sempat die smpai, aku dah ttdo..hahahah.sori.pnt la.heheheheh.pas2 die ckp, ak g sn smate1 nk jmpe ko, ko leh ttido, hampeh tul....ak pn gelak je r..sape suh ko dtg.ak x suh pn...hehehehe...sengal x aku???bley tahan sengal gak aku peduli ape.dah ak dgn x sengaja nyer ttdo...trus dia pth balik...sib bek die br smpai gombak ms ak msg ak ckp kat die, 'wei, ak ngntk r...len kali r ek.'sib bek la membe aku ini memahami...walaupun ak sedikit kejam...takde r kejam sgt kot...die de amende ntah kat putrajaya, n die bosan r tuh..ak tau sgt die tuh....ske wat keje gile.ade ke ptt nk dinner smpai ke bentong??x logik tul...pas2 duk kutuk2 aku ckp xmo jmpe die..dah tu timing x btl, nk wat cmne..klo x, ak pow jek die.huhuhuhu....

k la...dah terlalu panjang plak entri ni...



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