erm..2 more days left...
2 lagi hari untuk aku tinggal kan tempat ini...
im goin away....for him, i juz hoping u keep ur words...yeah, i know u didnt promise me stil, it will b nice 4 me if we can make it happen....distance will nvr b a failure matter 4 me...seriously.i will stay true if u do believe in me....
for my dear frens i is time 4 us to walk into our path...hopefully, we didnt lost each other n d frenship wil never last...d pain n laughter we share will never b erased...especialy for those who r alwiz b there 4 me.....i love u so much..ama, its kinda hard 2 admit that this is a gudbye...u wil b bz in ur path n il b bz in my path..hopefully we nvr lost each other...wahid, d 1 dat i cn put my trust on everythng, hopefullly u keep ur promise bout jenguk2 me there...akak, sis dat i learn so many thngs bout life from her..she mite b moody but stil, i will alwiz adore u d way u r...kak yan, d 1 dat i alwiz love 2 share opinions bout life n islam.miss u so much.hamid n ayen, my bodyguard...d 1 dat alwiz kutuk2 me but i know, he is very kind hearted.salmi, d 1 y vry naive,but actualy vry naughty.....alang, who drive me into new sight of world...thnkx 4 everythng...u r alwiz b my george..kulert, d 1 dat il b work with...hopefuly we can make it...amin, d 1 dat alwiz help me out.bout diz current state..thnk u.for all polymer student batch 04-08, thnk u guys 4 wonderful memories of 4 years...we learn n cherish everythng together....
to my beloved lecturers, especially dr azlan,i cnt expressed in words how i feel now...thnk u so much 4 everythng...witout ur guidance, i cnt finish everythng in time...
to my beloved parents n family....this is my major strenght in life....they r alwiz by my matter wat...i love u guys so much.4 moral n material support...i cnt pay u less thn my whole life....
for my ex....thankx 4 d memory..its another phase of life that hurt me so much but now, i cn smile bout it...thnx 4 d memory...
for myself....pack ur things up....hahahahaha
sayonara USM....
Monday, April 28
Sunday, April 27
aku gilak....
1. Name one person who made you laugh last night?
~wahid, ama n fari...
2. What were you doing at 0800?
~on d bed..still dreaming....
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
~lunch....4. What happened to you in 2006?
~erm...broke up wit acap aftr 3 years rltnshp...
5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
~malas nyer nk wat keje!!!!
6. How many beverages did you have today?
~so far...not so many....
7. What color is your hairbrush?
8. What was the last thing you paid for?
9. Where were you last night?
10. What color is your front door?
~yellow wit blue frame....desa lembaran yg warna warni...lalalala
11. Where do you keep your change?
~erm...memane long as i cn find it...heheheh
12. What’s the weather like today?
~erm....sunny2 day...
13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor
~choc chip....yeay...
~choc chip....yeay...
14. What excites you?
~going away...
15. Do you want to cut your hair?
~short need la...
16. Are you over the age of 25?
~not yet...2 more years il b 25...wah3.trase amat2 tua
17. Do you talk a lot?
~dats wut ppl keep it true???
18. Do you watch the O.C.?
19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
~steven stone.....duno him juz familiar wit d name...
20. Do you make up your own words?
~no comment
21. Are you a jealous person?
~not realy....
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’.
24. Who’s the first person on your received call list?
25. What does the last text message you received say?
~tak...alang dah ada, dia leh amik gamba....
26. Do you chew on your straw?
~love ....hahahha
27. Do you have curly hair?
`i do hv wavy hair.....n plus messy hair rite now..hahahaha
28. Where’s the next place you’re going to?
29. Who’s the rudest person in your life?
>> erm.. should not be announce i guess.. hahaha
30. What was the last thing you ate?
~nasi+ikan keli msk pedas+itu shj...
31. Will you get married in the future?
~ i badly want 2 hv my own family....
32. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
~forbidden kingdom....bez...
33. Is there anyone you like right now?
~yeah...realy2 like n make me look extra stupid smtimes...hahahah
34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
~juz now
35. Are you currently depressed?
36. Did you cry today?
37. Why did you answer and post this?
~coz its realy2 bored 2 do d equation....doing this is much much easier.....
shop til drop
kepokaian bertambah...takde duit pn g shopping.padan muke...kan dah pokai...hahahha
al kisah nyer tjadi apabila aku tringat nk bli smthng....pas2, di sbbkn kebosanan yg melanda, n dah lame x kuar ngn kawan2 pmpn aku, ak pn mengutarakan idea gile [like alwiz]...untuk ke penang...on d spot kitorg ciap n heading 2 penang...lam kul 6 smpai sane...
pas2 trus menuju tmpt yg ingin di tuju...drpd nk bli ngn bajet rm50, aku end up bli smthng extra which is 2 shirt ngn 1 pants....haiyak....trus kepokaian...hahahaha...untuk mengelakkan kepokaian bertambah, pas mkn trus g kt kete..kang aku bli byk lagi kang...hahahaha
tp unt menyedapkan ati...nnt aku kene keje ngn laki2 shj, so,kene bli baju beso2 skit...[well,bj aku skrg sume sendat...huhuhu]...walaupun proses menyedapkan ati itu berjaya, poket aku ttp pokai...muahahaha
aku pokai...lalalala..
tp xpe...ak amat epi smlm dpt spend valuable time ngn my frens..yg pasni x tau la bl lg mau g shopping spt itu..thnx 4 d great company...
my kisses goes to wahid, ama n fari....mwaaahhhh....full kisses n big hug for u guys...
quote of d day
[::shop til drop::]
al kisah nyer tjadi apabila aku tringat nk bli smthng....pas2, di sbbkn kebosanan yg melanda, n dah lame x kuar ngn kawan2 pmpn aku, ak pn mengutarakan idea gile [like alwiz]...untuk ke penang...on d spot kitorg ciap n heading 2 penang...lam kul 6 smpai sane...
pas2 trus menuju tmpt yg ingin di tuju...drpd nk bli ngn bajet rm50, aku end up bli smthng extra which is 2 shirt ngn 1 pants....haiyak....trus kepokaian...hahahaha...untuk mengelakkan kepokaian bertambah, pas mkn trus g kt kete..kang aku bli byk lagi kang...hahahaha
tp unt menyedapkan ati...nnt aku kene keje ngn laki2 shj, so,kene bli baju beso2 skit...[well,bj aku skrg sume sendat...huhuhu]...walaupun proses menyedapkan ati itu berjaya, poket aku ttp pokai...muahahaha
aku pokai...lalalala..
tp xpe...ak amat epi smlm dpt spend valuable time ngn my frens..yg pasni x tau la bl lg mau g shopping spt itu..thnx 4 d great company...
my kisses goes to wahid, ama n fari....mwaaahhhh....full kisses n big hug for u guys...
quote of d day
[::shop til drop::]
Friday, April 25
1. Are you smiling?
~rite now...not.erk..y shud i smile in frnt of laptop screen??
2. When is the last time you met someone new?
~erm...someone new in sense of wut???my new bf???not yet....
3. What is irritating you now?
~too many works to b settle within short period of time...
4. When did you last eat pizza?
~erk....forgot oredi....
5. Do you drink beer?
6. Do you have any friends who are famous?
~erk..muadzam doin d underground gig stuff. 4got d band name..haiyak8. What do you want?
~u b my bf....u know who u r...hahahahha9. Are you tired? mind so damn tired...
10. Last spoken words you heard?
11. Do you know anyone named John? course mate
12. Besides your bed, what is in your room?
~almari...of coz, meje studi..meje kecik tmpt ak smpn mknn...13. Pepsi or Coke?
~no for both
14. Did you ever throw up?
~yup...i alwiz had upset stomach....weak stomach problems...
15. But did you ever throw up while kissing someone?
~hahahah...i wish i cn smday n i realy wana c his reaction to dat...hahahah
16. Who is the last person you hugged?
~wahid...17. Why are you doing this?
18. Are you restless? mny work 2 b done...
19. Is your computer a laptop?
20. Are you allowed to stay up later than 10pm on a weeknight?
21. How many myspace views do you have?
~my myspace is totally out of date...hahaha
22. Want to be a princess?
~juz wana b princess in someone heart.....can i???
23. Do you believe dreams come true?
~yupp..never afraid 2 dream big....
24. Last song you heard?
~guardian angel....the redjumpsuit apparatus.
~guardian angel....the redjumpsuit apparatus.
moz precious treasure....

abah on d other yg pling xle nk tau pe die pk...ak dpt straight A's pn die slumber jek...ak x dpt straight A's pn die slumber, unpredictable... but my grandpa said, dlm ati die, amat2 la gembira...well... guys knows guys better ait???he will gets me anythng dat i u so much...

missing u guys so much....
Ya Allah, berkatilah keluargaku dan redhailah kami.....Amin....
Thursday, April 24
my lalink
dah seminggu tenet xde kt blok aku..arini br dpt....hopefully xde r kene block lgi...
erm...smlm sgt2 refreshing...dah lame gile x men basket ball....n biase nyer kitorg g men mlm, sbb ms tu xde org gune court ...[kamikan pemalu..hik hik hik]
smlm, kitorg g men ptg..sbbnyer, aku pn tgh x reti nk wat chemical reaction tuh, n ptg2 pn ak bukan study sgt, g r mengeluarkan peluh di court....sungguh bez melompat2 n yg tak bez nyer, ak x pkai kasut, so, men barefoot jek..n kaki aku melecet....sakit plak tuh...huhuhuh..sape suh x pkai kasut...
n sbb aku x warm up, kaki n tangna aku skait..n abdomen aku skit gak...hahahaha...mencari sakit namenye...dah tau x warm up, kan men lagi g melompat2...kan dah skit tu dtg slps aku men tu x gile.....pasni ntah sape la nk men basket ngn aku...[kene carik geng men basket la nnt...]
ptg kang de pre viva...n unfortunately, aku di antara 3 org yg kene present....mesti dr azlan takut aku merapu ms viva nnt.hahahah. tp ok lez, nnt leh aku btul kan pe yg slh....
smlm ari bez..dah lame gile x mbuang ms tanpa ada arah tuju...
kes smlm ,aku n wahid g jln2 b2..hahaha. lame x spend time cm tu ngn wahid...wahid is my sweetheart....this is wahid.....
d one dat alwiz i hug...she is d person dat i hug most bside ama n my mama....she is so huggable...or aku mmg ske pluk2 org..hahahahh...tak kisah la...yg penting, i m gona missu lalink...haaa...this is my lalink....
erm...smlm sgt2 refreshing...dah lame gile x men basket ball....n biase nyer kitorg g men mlm, sbb ms tu xde org gune court ...[kamikan pemalu..hik hik hik]
smlm, kitorg g men ptg..sbbnyer, aku pn tgh x reti nk wat chemical reaction tuh, n ptg2 pn ak bukan study sgt, g r mengeluarkan peluh di court....sungguh bez melompat2 n yg tak bez nyer, ak x pkai kasut, so, men barefoot jek..n kaki aku melecet....sakit plak tuh...huhuhuh..sape suh x pkai kasut...
n sbb aku x warm up, kaki n tangna aku skait..n abdomen aku skit gak...hahahaha...mencari sakit namenye...dah tau x warm up, kan men lagi g melompat2...kan dah skit tu dtg slps aku men tu x gile.....pasni ntah sape la nk men basket ngn aku...[kene carik geng men basket la nnt...]
ptg kang de pre viva...n unfortunately, aku di antara 3 org yg kene present....mesti dr azlan takut aku merapu ms viva nnt.hahahah. tp ok lez, nnt leh aku btul kan pe yg slh....
smlm ari bez..dah lame gile x mbuang ms tanpa ada arah tuju...
kes smlm ,aku n wahid g jln2 b2..hahaha. lame x spend time cm tu ngn wahid...wahid is my sweetheart....this is wahid.....
Tuesday, April 22
mental crash down

aku dah btul2 kat edge....
rs cm nk give up....sbb ak crash down gile2 ni...
but stil, if i gv up rite now, i won b myself anymore...i m not a quitter....
il fight til d end...
pliz...Allah, gv me strenght to move on n still b me till d end of my road...
i realy need strenght to stand still....
its so hard even to stay sane....
i need strenght!!!!
Monday, April 21
it's been awhile since my laz post..wut to do...server down at my blog.Bongok tul la...diz is d 2nd time in 1 month....server block lain ok jek....server kat tempat aku je hampeh....*tensen*
erm...laz weekend, juz jln2 je around penang..tgk forbidden kingdom....bez.enjoy d company n d to 3 kingdom, this movie is much much my opinion la kan...its hilarious n stil great action x dat choosy when it comes to film...i juz watch n enjoy jek...dats d point of going out,rite??
erm...sm1 told me dat i m a big complaint...erk...dats d 1st time i ever heard bout dat....terkejut gak,sbb aku rs, i m x dat complaint sgt pn...myb smtimes aku de complaint....
actualy, i easily get annoyed with this type of person....who is alwiz complaint, complaint n complaint...n lagi annoyed klo complaint d same thing 4 a long time of period...sakit telinge...n my reaction if i get annoyed..i juz keep my mouth shut..[klo aku ckp or gv respond, lagi r panjang complaint tu,so, d bez way is senya or wat2 tido..hahahahah]
its undeniable dat we r tend to complaint if smthng is up to our kan....juz ckp skali dah need 2 complaint bout d same thng n ruin d whole conversation....myb sbb im x dat type kot,dats y i feel it is so annoyin klo de org wat cmtu...well, ppl is diffrent.
k to end here....
erm...laz weekend, juz jln2 je around penang..tgk forbidden kingdom....bez.enjoy d company n d to 3 kingdom, this movie is much much my opinion la kan...its hilarious n stil great action x dat choosy when it comes to film...i juz watch n enjoy jek...dats d point of going out,rite??
erm...sm1 told me dat i m a big complaint...erk...dats d 1st time i ever heard bout dat....terkejut gak,sbb aku rs, i m x dat complaint sgt pn...myb smtimes aku de complaint....
actualy, i easily get annoyed with this type of person....who is alwiz complaint, complaint n complaint...n lagi annoyed klo complaint d same thing 4 a long time of period...sakit telinge...n my reaction if i get annoyed..i juz keep my mouth shut..[klo aku ckp or gv respond, lagi r panjang complaint tu,so, d bez way is senya or wat2 tido..hahahahah]
its undeniable dat we r tend to complaint if smthng is up to our kan....juz ckp skali dah need 2 complaint bout d same thng n ruin d whole conversation....myb sbb im x dat type kot,dats y i feel it is so annoyin klo de org wat cmtu...well, ppl is diffrent.
k to end here....
Thursday, April 17
my honey pie...

this is me n my lil sis....
walaupun kami 2 org je adik bradik pempuan,tp kitorg ni mmg len sgt2...
die ni more too serious person...n me on d other hand, not serious enuf...
but, aku lagi garang r...die ni cam lembut2..hahahaha
die ni ayu2 n aku ni ganas2 skit...x ske skirts, shirts n wutso eve....i juz prefer jeans, tshirt n sliper tickets or sneakers....klo adik aku, ske blaous2, jeans n sandal pempuan....
klo dr segi mkn, kitorg bley thn same, x byk kerenah la..telan jek...
n we love d same colour which is die ni lg extreme...sume mende nk pink...ak ni ske2 cmtu jek...xde r extreme sgt....
die ni adalah penculik kepada teddy2 bear aku....sume teddy bear aku dah berpindah milik...uwaa...takpe,pasni aku bli lagi byk2..hahahahah
dulu, ms kecik2 kitorg ni slalu r, 5 thn aku xde adik n ttb de adik.pempuan lak tu.sbb ms kecik, ak kawan ngn laki jek...[erk..skrg pn, moz of my frens r guys...]..sampai kan, abah aku terpakse wat 1 lagi bilik len unt aku unt elakkan kami gaduh...hahahahah
dats life kan....when time passed by, we juz laugh at our past....
now, she is my bez fren....she knows every my lil secrets....even ms aku nk gig ke, g merayau memane ker, die la yg tau...ak de bagitau mak well, certain cases, we juz cnt...but i sure let her knows aftr smtms...hehehehe
cam kes aku bertumbuk ngn dak laki ms skolah dah msk u baru aku cite..n mama juz laughing..x sangka anak die ni ganas gile...brutal gile smpai bertumbuk ngn dats juz my tu mmg xreti nk control anger aku....anger management yg amat teruk. tp sume tu dah akhir zaman dah...skrg ni,ak mls dah nk gaduh2...klo org de x puas ati ngn aku,ckp2 tentang aku,lantka korg la...klo de nk cari psl ngn aku, i better juz walk away..bukan mengalah, tp better dat dorg dah bosan ngn aku yg tak amiik pot, dorg senyap la....
im much much cooler person now...[erk..cooler???cm water cooler jek..hahaha]
well, ppl do change....if they want to...of coz...
moral of d story, nvr afraid to make mistakes.....coz they wil color ur way....
walaupun kami 2 org je adik bradik pempuan,tp kitorg ni mmg len sgt2...
die ni more too serious person...n me on d other hand, not serious enuf...
but, aku lagi garang r...die ni cam lembut2..hahahaha
die ni ayu2 n aku ni ganas2 skit...x ske skirts, shirts n wutso eve....i juz prefer jeans, tshirt n sliper tickets or sneakers....klo adik aku, ske blaous2, jeans n sandal pempuan....
klo dr segi mkn, kitorg bley thn same, x byk kerenah la..telan jek...
n we love d same colour which is die ni lg extreme...sume mende nk pink...ak ni ske2 cmtu jek...xde r extreme sgt....
die ni adalah penculik kepada teddy2 bear aku....sume teddy bear aku dah berpindah milik...uwaa...takpe,pasni aku bli lagi byk2..hahahahah
dulu, ms kecik2 kitorg ni slalu r, 5 thn aku xde adik n ttb de adik.pempuan lak tu.sbb ms kecik, ak kawan ngn laki jek...[erk..skrg pn, moz of my frens r guys...]..sampai kan, abah aku terpakse wat 1 lagi bilik len unt aku unt elakkan kami gaduh...hahahahah
dats life kan....when time passed by, we juz laugh at our past....
now, she is my bez fren....she knows every my lil secrets....even ms aku nk gig ke, g merayau memane ker, die la yg tau...ak de bagitau mak well, certain cases, we juz cnt...but i sure let her knows aftr smtms...hehehehe
cam kes aku bertumbuk ngn dak laki ms skolah dah msk u baru aku cite..n mama juz laughing..x sangka anak die ni ganas gile...brutal gile smpai bertumbuk ngn dats juz my tu mmg xreti nk control anger aku....anger management yg amat teruk. tp sume tu dah akhir zaman dah...skrg ni,ak mls dah nk gaduh2...klo org de x puas ati ngn aku,ckp2 tentang aku,lantka korg la...klo de nk cari psl ngn aku, i better juz walk away..bukan mengalah, tp better dat dorg dah bosan ngn aku yg tak amiik pot, dorg senyap la....
im much much cooler person now...[erk..cooler???cm water cooler jek..hahaha]
well, ppl do change....if they want to...of coz...
moral of d story, nvr afraid to make mistakes.....coz they wil color ur way....
hard enuf
erm...all diz thngs realy hard enuf.nk cari reading material pun susah, nk dpt clearer vision bout all systems is kinda tough rite now but stil, i juz hv anothr week to go 2 find out bout everythng theoretically..aftr dat, dealing wit real situation....which is its realy make me nervous n excited at d same time......
i care not for my lack of rez rite now as long as i hv wut it takes to survive whn i go thr nex month..but with lackng of everythng especialy reading material, its kinda messed up wit my mind to concentrate n stay focus....thr is so mny2 thngs dat i need to verify n i dun hv enuf info bout it....wut a stressful situation...
but i hv 2 put myself 2gthr n stay strong...cnt let myself down..its juz beginning...well,aftr all, life is all about learning.....we cnt stop learning n learning will nvr stop....
Quitter is not who i finish everythng dat i'v started....InsyaAllah....
by d way, ak dpt la msg forward2 ni....ak x tau btul ke x....psl bulan.
psl marikh yg tukar arah pusingan....n klo korg tgk bulan 2-3 minggu lps, bulan sabit n sabit nyer ke bawah...biase nyer bulan sabit, sabit nye tletak kat kiri or kanan....ak rs ak pnh nmpk tp ak tak pk...pas2 ak dpt msg tu buat ak tpk....
dlm al-quran ckp, kiamat hadir bl matahari terbit dari barat...which is, de kene mengene ngn arah pusingan planet2 lam cakerawala ni...n pusingan planet2 ni ada kene ngene ngn tarikan antara planet...contoh, pusingan bulan mengelilingi bumi sbb tarikan graviti bumi thdp bulan...klo pusingan marikh dah berubah...mengikut logik n pengetahuan aku yg cetek tentang astronomi ni, de harapan unt bumi tukar arah juz d matter of time je r... sesape de info psl mende ni???bley la share2....
ya Allah, jgn la ko ttp pintu taubat-Mu terhadap aku dan seluruh umat Islam di kala kami masih dalam perjuangan mencari jalan ke arah keredhaan Mu....
i care not for my lack of rez rite now as long as i hv wut it takes to survive whn i go thr nex month..but with lackng of everythng especialy reading material, its kinda messed up wit my mind to concentrate n stay focus....thr is so mny2 thngs dat i need to verify n i dun hv enuf info bout it....wut a stressful situation...
but i hv 2 put myself 2gthr n stay strong...cnt let myself down..its juz beginning...well,aftr all, life is all about learning.....we cnt stop learning n learning will nvr stop....
Quitter is not who i finish everythng dat i'v started....InsyaAllah....
by d way, ak dpt la msg forward2 ni....ak x tau btul ke x....psl bulan.
psl marikh yg tukar arah pusingan....n klo korg tgk bulan 2-3 minggu lps, bulan sabit n sabit nyer ke bawah...biase nyer bulan sabit, sabit nye tletak kat kiri or kanan....ak rs ak pnh nmpk tp ak tak pk...pas2 ak dpt msg tu buat ak tpk....
dlm al-quran ckp, kiamat hadir bl matahari terbit dari barat...which is, de kene mengene ngn arah pusingan planet2 lam cakerawala ni...n pusingan planet2 ni ada kene ngene ngn tarikan antara planet...contoh, pusingan bulan mengelilingi bumi sbb tarikan graviti bumi thdp bulan...klo pusingan marikh dah berubah...mengikut logik n pengetahuan aku yg cetek tentang astronomi ni, de harapan unt bumi tukar arah juz d matter of time je r... sesape de info psl mende ni???bley la share2....
ya Allah, jgn la ko ttp pintu taubat-Mu terhadap aku dan seluruh umat Islam di kala kami masih dalam perjuangan mencari jalan ke arah keredhaan Mu....
Wednesday, April 16
with u.....
Chris Brown - No Air lyrics
no air....dats wut i feel rite now....
not coz i dun hv a boy but coz i have not enuf time....
well...masas takkan pernah,kene la thn...myb aftr diz i shud get better understanding bout everythng.....InsyaAllah....
no air....dats wut i feel rite now....
not coz i dun hv a boy but coz i have not enuf time....
well...masas takkan pernah,kene la thn...myb aftr diz i shud get better understanding bout everythng.....InsyaAllah....
its been a tough day 4 m3...theres lots of thing in my mind n i wish i cn juz slow down d time so dat i wont b in diz state....state of clueless + too many dead line!!!!
diz is wut i love to call it...dead line coz it alwiz make my life miserable...
this is very cute song......
with u, chris brown..adik aku ske gile lagu ni....
well, cm biase r, ak skrg dah x caye kate2 sweet yg ternyate trang jels n nyata tipu...
contoh nyer....
'Cause if I got you
I don't need money
I don't need cars
Girl you're my heart'
gile tipu!!!!!
stil..klo nk koya2 bley r dgr lagu nk caye words like diz from boys...nonsense...
ak anti cintan skrg???no laa..juz b realistic la....tu jek...
even dlm islam pn ckp, kene berpada2 lam sume mende...
walaupun ak slalu gak tlupe n terleka.....
enjoy d song.....
Chris Brown - With You lyrics
diz is wut i love to call it...dead line coz it alwiz make my life miserable...
this is very cute song......
with u, chris brown..adik aku ske gile lagu ni....
well, cm biase r, ak skrg dah x caye kate2 sweet yg ternyate trang jels n nyata tipu...
contoh nyer....
'Cause if I got you
I don't need money
I don't need cars
Girl you're my heart'
gile tipu!!!!!
stil..klo nk koya2 bley r dgr lagu nk caye words like diz from boys...nonsense...
ak anti cintan skrg???no laa..juz b realistic la....tu jek...
even dlm islam pn ckp, kene berpada2 lam sume mende...
walaupun ak slalu gak tlupe n terleka.....
enjoy d song.....
Chris Brown - With You lyrics
Tuesday, April 15
its 3pm n aku rs ngantuk gile2....skarang ni otak ak pikir psl polyamine jek...dr smlm surf...jmpe 3 jek site n journal yg de kaitan ngn pe yg aku nk...yg len tu cite psl mende len..pslDNA la, RNA la..psl mende2 yg bkaitan ngn biologi...well,i wan more chemical,quite depressed..ngn dr azlan n en azhar did mention yg d product is vry tough n they gv me dat to handle it...haiyak...
tu yg pressure nyer....kene deal ngn 2 mende yg susah...ahaks.
chalengging enuf 4 me smpai tdo pn mimpi2....
quite bz....mlm ni kene discuss ngn co supervisor plak...
td ms meeting ng dr n others 3 members of group. dr de mention yg keje kilang mmg xde life...ahaks.mati la ak..smpai bl2 takde pakwe...hahahahha
erm....klo de jodoh, ade la tu kot...
juz redha je kan....dats d bez way....
love come when its d rite time to bunyi org putus asa....
naahhhh...ak berserah jek...
Allah knows d bez 4 m3...
berserah itu paling baik....
kite ni hanya hamba yg muz b humble....
tu yg pressure nyer....kene deal ngn 2 mende yg susah...ahaks.
chalengging enuf 4 me smpai tdo pn mimpi2....
quite bz....mlm ni kene discuss ngn co supervisor plak...
td ms meeting ng dr n others 3 members of group. dr de mention yg keje kilang mmg xde life...ahaks.mati la ak..smpai bl2 takde pakwe...hahahahha
erm....klo de jodoh, ade la tu kot...
juz redha je kan....dats d bez way....
love come when its d rite time to bunyi org putus asa....
naahhhh...ak berserah jek...
Allah knows d bez 4 m3...
berserah itu paling baik....
kite ni hanya hamba yg muz b humble....
Sunday, April 13
slamat tiba kul 430 pagi...laju gile bus tuh...dah la cejuk gile..but, i safely arrived penang...Alhamdulilah...
if i cn stay at home even longer...rindu plak nk bmls mlsn kat umah....*sigh*
not feeling realy well tp bosan gile bl duk tdo jek atas, ajak my frens g kuar. n we watch 'three kingdom'....i think, for dat type of movie, i love, i dun realy like d d movie it didnt mention how Zi Long's strategies to win every battles in juz mentioned dat he was great...only in laz scene showed how he handled situation in d midle of war...d movie juz so-so la to me....i thnk, dats y i prefer c chinese drama when it comes to diz type of story line...more details...
erm...i get into accident...i hit divider..n rosakkan tayar kete ku....haiyak..rosak lagi.
then g mkn2 kat laksa shack' not feeling realy well,so i need smthng to taste...dats y i choose asam laksa which is extra hot 2day...then, mkn pau, n cake at secret resipe n roti nan...ahaks.extra makan2 arini...tomorow shud b on diet....or else, il gain more weights on this huge frame.....
im quite stressful actualy..since iv got d job...i tot getting a job is end of my streessfulness day....but its getting more stressful...
hv to thnk bout house [which i had to stay alone...], how's d place there, d colleagues there, dealing wit ppls, dealing wit works, bla bla bla bla....
or m i thinking too much???i m x perfectionist but i want things to turn out perfect....weird huh???i mite over think things sometimes.... penat....chow
if i cn stay at home even longer...rindu plak nk bmls mlsn kat umah....*sigh*
not feeling realy well tp bosan gile bl duk tdo jek atas, ajak my frens g kuar. n we watch 'three kingdom'....i think, for dat type of movie, i love, i dun realy like d d movie it didnt mention how Zi Long's strategies to win every battles in juz mentioned dat he was great...only in laz scene showed how he handled situation in d midle of war...d movie juz so-so la to me....i thnk, dats y i prefer c chinese drama when it comes to diz type of story line...more details...
erm...i get into accident...i hit divider..n rosakkan tayar kete ku....haiyak..rosak lagi.
then g mkn2 kat laksa shack' not feeling realy well,so i need smthng to taste...dats y i choose asam laksa which is extra hot 2day...then, mkn pau, n cake at secret resipe n roti nan...ahaks.extra makan2 arini...tomorow shud b on diet....or else, il gain more weights on this huge frame.....
im quite stressful actualy..since iv got d job...i tot getting a job is end of my streessfulness day....but its getting more stressful...
hv to thnk bout house [which i had to stay alone...], how's d place there, d colleagues there, dealing wit ppls, dealing wit works, bla bla bla bla....
or m i thinking too much???i m x perfectionist but i want things to turn out perfect....weird huh???i mite over think things sometimes.... penat....chow
Saturday, April 12
my post is getting bored
wut is on my head 2day???
nothing serious....juz a lil thought bout everythng... mum said 'cm kurus skit blik ni...nape???' then my answer is, 'its been along time u didnt c me...i gain weight la maa....sume bj dah sendat2..'..hahahhaha [i thnk mama juz wana make me feel good bout myself..thanks mama]
n my lil sis thnk my new hair cut look cute on me....wink*wink*.she said cm dak skolah, except bl baru bgn singa...hikhikhik.
adik aku yg kecik tuh...asyik duk ajak gaduh jek...i mean gaduh manje2..bukan gaduh real2...well,ak ni mmg kaki kaco org.n slalu la kaco die...sbb die pling kecik. n pas2 die kaco ka die tu ske ngengade,time aku nk mkn,ms tu r duk btempek ngn aku mintk suap...n like alwiz, ak kan kakak yg ske kaco org.slalu suap smpai die d way, skrang ni aku pling rendah [uwaaa....adik2 aku sume dah tinggi..]
n each time ak gaduh2 ngn eri tu,mama pn bising...eii..mcm dak darjah 1...hahahhaha...
i alwiz a lil baby at home eventhough im d 2nd one..hahahahha
n mama said, nnt keje matured la tuh...erk.ak u kurang matured ek???hahahhaha nyer!!!!!!!mls nk blik penang!!!!
so lazy!!!!!!!
if i cn juz freeze d time n make it still until i get bored....if i.....
tringt plak, acap slalu ckp kat aku.... 'slalu ngn wut if die'...hahahahah
kinda miss him actualy.....
quote of d day
wut if ....
nothing serious....juz a lil thought bout everythng... mum said 'cm kurus skit blik ni...nape???' then my answer is, 'its been along time u didnt c me...i gain weight la maa....sume bj dah sendat2..'..hahahhaha [i thnk mama juz wana make me feel good bout myself..thanks mama]
n my lil sis thnk my new hair cut look cute on me....wink*wink*.she said cm dak skolah, except bl baru bgn singa...hikhikhik.
adik aku yg kecik tuh...asyik duk ajak gaduh jek...i mean gaduh manje2..bukan gaduh real2...well,ak ni mmg kaki kaco org.n slalu la kaco die...sbb die pling kecik. n pas2 die kaco ka die tu ske ngengade,time aku nk mkn,ms tu r duk btempek ngn aku mintk suap...n like alwiz, ak kan kakak yg ske kaco org.slalu suap smpai die d way, skrang ni aku pling rendah [uwaaa....adik2 aku sume dah tinggi..]
n each time ak gaduh2 ngn eri tu,mama pn bising...eii..mcm dak darjah 1...hahahhaha...
i alwiz a lil baby at home eventhough im d 2nd one..hahahahha
n mama said, nnt keje matured la tuh...erk.ak u kurang matured ek???hahahhaha nyer!!!!!!!mls nk blik penang!!!!
so lazy!!!!!!!
if i cn juz freeze d time n make it still until i get bored....if i.....
tringt plak, acap slalu ckp kat aku.... 'slalu ngn wut if die'...hahahahah
kinda miss him actualy.....
quote of d day
wut if ....
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