Friday, April 25

moz precious treasure....

...narrator...:: ekey'z

miss my family rite now....mama n abah....mama very understanding n her words will alwiz comfort me...d one dat i cnt hide anythng...even aku cover cmne pn suare, she cn notice every details......"br bgn tdo ek"..."cm tgh nangis jek ni"....she is my u so much....
abah on d other yg pling xle nk tau pe die pk...ak dpt straight A's pn die slumber jek...ak x dpt straight A's pn die slumber, unpredictable... but my grandpa said, dlm ati die, amat2 la gembira...well... guys knows guys better ait???he will gets me anythng dat i u so much...

this is d moz protectice bro u ever imagine.....moz of d time, die la yang lagi cuak compare to my parents....over protective gile2.....klo ak kuar n blik lwt, org ini lah yg akan call aku every minutes....but still, i knw he did this coz he loves me..thnx bro..diz is d crazy bro iv got....he cn do so mny crazy thngs if he is bored..die pnh g spray aku ngn fabuloso....abih 1 bottle di tgh2 mlm...ak plak g spray die ngn air jek....abih 1 rumah kite men kejar2 di saksikan oleh adik2 kami....hahahaha....wut a bad role model. hik hik hik...skrg, die bz ngn idup die..which is his work life n his future wife....n sbb ms yg slalu xkene, either aku blik time die takde kat umah or aku blik die tgh byk keje, we kinda loz each other....miss u abang much...

this is my lil sis....apparently, org slalu ckp die kakak aku....which is taller thn me... n of coz la, die ni matured thn me....she is my back up...n her frens alwiz said i m look younger.n this will alwiz pissed her la org yg pling ske aku sakat....sbb bl die mrh,sng nk cool....n care unt cool kan die...itu adalah rahsia aku...hehehehehe...skrg die amik alih tugas2 bibik aku di rumah...ak suke bl die,ak x yah la nk kene kms alwiz, die amik charge kms umah n aku amik charge masak....bila la routine ni nk berubah..dr dulu smpai skrg same jek....[ayat x ske masak ]....but no matter wut, u r my only sis dat i adore n no matter how ppl misudrstood me, she will alwiz b by my side 2 comfort me..n i wil never let go of ur hand...never....misss u much...
haaa....gmba aku ngn budak ni...sume sensored...sbb die ni ske wat muke2...yg amat la, bukn unt tatapan umum.....ini la yg tbagus ak leh jmpe...n like alwiz,ske show off ngn gigi rabbit die tuh...*sigh*...n die slalu claim die ni ensem..hahahahah.ape la adik aku ni...walaupun ngn kepoyoaan nye itu, die la pelayan aku time aku demam....'kak ipa, nk air ker????nk ubat ker???nk eri wat ape??'...cute huh???die ni rebel skit...well, d youngest vry vry kind in heart....miss u to eri....die ni adalah budak yg pling mls mandi...hahahaha...slalu kene mrh ngn aku sbb die ni mmg mls mndi!!!!die adlh guard aku skrg..di sbbkn die lbh tinggi dr aku, so, i love to hold his hands when we walk...miss ur company.... :(

missing u guys so much....

Ya Allah, berkatilah keluargaku dan redhailah kami.....Amin....


ekey'z on April 25, 2008 at 2:15 PM said...

kesilapan ms angel..not angle..hahaaha.


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