Tuesday, August 24

pose zero....haiyak!

...narrator...:: ekey'z
mungkin, lepas aku tulis ni, aku bakal di kecam..
tapi lantak lah...

situasi aku bekerja sekarang adalah ramai sangat tukang ampu..
muka bertalam talam..


situasi nye amat mudah, dan langsung takde kene mengena dengan kerja

situasi : majlis berbuka puasa, tapi takle bawak hubby or anyone. come by urself.
to go there, i have to travel about 1 hour. ALONE. dah la tengah ribut. pukul 6 tuh dah ribut.
yes, my mum dont approve i go alone.
so, i call and said i have to cancel it.
i call the HOD.

'sory, i cant attend the event, its raining heavily right now and i dont think it is safe for me to go there alone. in this bad weather.'
then he said ok!!!

then tetibe, esok nye, which is today,
dia call and say something like this 'boss bengang awak tak pergi. tanpa reason'

aku pun terus hangin
'wth, iv told you the reason. semalam i nak bgtau bos, u ckp let u handle it...'
dalam hati aku 'wtf!!!!!'

harini terus takde mood nak wat kerja...even the simplest one...
adeh adeh..abih pahala aku pose arini....

sebenarnya dari mula mula masuk lagi aku perasan ada unsur unsur ini..
tidak dinafikan, ada politik pejabat.
tapi kalo dah melampau sangat...

aku rasa cam quit pun ade..
sebab aku memang anti dengan orang muke bertalam talam ni...
especially i have to work with them...
or in the other way, they are in my department...

i am not happy.

i am here not to please anyone..
i just want to do my job and dont judge me on the stupid idiotic thing.
judge me the way i handle and dealing with my job..

and, all of this kind of people adalah seorang lelaki..
bukan seseorang..
ramai kan
mereka adalah lelaki.....
sekarang aku dah jadi feminist..

kalo ko HOD sekalipun, ape aku heran!
pegi mampus!
ade aku kisah?



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