this is totally the haircut dat the amoi show me earlier....yup, it definitely look like this at 1st place....eventhough it is only tuesday, unfortunately, i cnt handle it n now, it look like a lil bit messy...mesti amoi tu geleng kpale sbb aku mls jg....short hair need lots of care actually..for me la..sbb klo long hair, klo mls sgt, bley ikat jek...klo short hair, mn bley nk ikat....
so, i have to go on strict diet so that i can look as hot as renee...heheehe
n smlm, ak dpt tau my exactly convo aku..which is, engineering is on 15th august....
pas2, aku pn trus la mencarik hotel...gues wut???vistana n equatorial is already not available...shit.it took me 1/2 hours to finally get 1...erk actually 2 rooms for my family...its quite far, but stil, in d island, so, it doesnt matter as long as we have some place to crash...hahahah
yeay...alhamdulillah sume setel before i left....except for baju convo..decided to juz wear ready made baju kurung....mls nk g tempah2...
juz keje mmg x penah nk ciap kan....still trying to settle everythng before i went there....*sigh*...so much much more things to do......
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