people who is single and not take claimed they are lonely cuase they dont have 'specific somebody' to loved and to be loved
people who is taken [either married or in the relationship] claimed that they are lonely when their loves one cant spend time with them..or when their loved one is away from them ands not around them.
a single and available and not in a relationship and a lil bit old, said they are lonely cause they dont settle down yet....
a married couple claimed they are lonely when they tried so hard but still, they dont have kids to be around and make them complete...
a single kid claimed they are lonely cause they dont have siblings...
siblings said they are lonely when they parents cant fully concentrate on them and they have to share their parents time..
parents said they are lonely when their children is away and they feel abandoned.
so, as the conclusion, loneliness will always there...cause human will never satisfied with what they have..
so, loneliness is everywhere eventhough u r in d middle of crowd....
to handle loneliness is like trying to khusyuk in ur solat....
when u r standing straight in front of kiblat, u want to be khsyuk in solat...
tapi, sampai mn tahan???tak sempat nk rukuk pun, merewang sudah pikiran memikirkan entah ape2...
kalaulah dapat kekhusyukan solat tu kan best...
antara slah satu sbb yg aku perasan dr dulu nape aku xle focus...ini la die, lam solat unt tak le nk concentrate.kpale duk merewang jek....
still working to improve my solat.....
so, kes lomeliness ni, mmg sentiasa ada....but there is way to kill loneliness...
tu plak, tpulang kpd indivudu...for me, d best way is, appreciate wut we own now..and juz ignore the loneliness and try to do something bout it...recently, i m dealing with puzzle to kill my lonesom...aku ske wat puzzle kot....coz i cn thnk bout other things as well...cam, aku pk psl keje, psl kehidupan, psl everything....ikut skati aku ke mana ilang pikiran aku semasa menyiapkan puzzle tuh...
smtimes, aku rs, kite idup ni pun cm puzzle...work hard to complete the pieces left..
Thursday, May 29
Wednesday, May 28

picture edited by kulert....thanks 2 kulert for helping me out...well, i kinda duno how to use PS..hahaha
so, this picture is really2 important for my next entry in company's blog...n i was d unlucky girl to update the blog....
so far, submitted 1 post and my editor seems like love it....hopefully diz one will also do great..mls nk wat keje dua tiga kali..hehehhehe
after after after....
after 3 days spent time with dr. azlan, i learn lots bout the whole system now...
the key is patient..have to make everythng planned happen...insyaAllah...
the last advise was simple....keje baik2....n we answer 'yes boss'
3 hari ulang alik genting sbb dr azlan stay kat sane....ari2 la 'si putih' aku tu mendaki bukt yg tinggi....cian 'si putih'...
byk psl politik universiti yg aku baru tau, but i won discuss over here...x pasal2 nnt kene saman or kene tahan bawah akta ISA...x mau la aku..cam biase, absord jek. at least, i hv knowledge bout it...
diz morning, in fly fm their topic is....y do u hate wedding??
for me, i juz ok jek with wedding....aku suke air sirap kenduri org kawin sbb nyer, die ltk pandan..hehhehe..so, d main point aku ske g kenduri kawin adalah sbb aku ske air sirap pandan..klo dulu2, ak ske tgk pelamin n bride....skrg ni, sbb mane2 leh tgk gamba bride, mende tuh dah tak menjadi faktor penguja untuk ak g kenduri kawin..ak lagi ske makan2 kat kenduri kawin. n biase nyer, itu la yg aku wat, g mkn pas2 blik....wtp skrg ni cam mls nk g kenduri kawin especially kenduri kawin membe2 aku ni adalah kerana aku tak suke soalan2 yang di ajukan...dah tu, ko tu bl lagi??mls nye aku nk menjawab..dah jelas2 aku single takkan la aku ttb yg kawin dl kot.g la tnye org len [or mmg dorg ni tnye soalan same kat sume org kot...]ntah la....tp sbb soalan itu la yang menculaskan aku untuk ke kenduri kawin...
diz weekend kene menghadapai kenduri kawin membe aku....hehehehe.kite tgk ape yg bakal terjadi...
and yeah, guys do love pretty girls...
myb im looking 4 someone who is look at the brain instead of breast...
some one who adore me d way i am...
is it to much to ask???
the key is patient..have to make everythng planned happen...insyaAllah...
the last advise was simple....keje baik2....n we answer 'yes boss'
3 hari ulang alik genting sbb dr azlan stay kat sane....ari2 la 'si putih' aku tu mendaki bukt yg tinggi....cian 'si putih'...
byk psl politik universiti yg aku baru tau, but i won discuss over here...x pasal2 nnt kene saman or kene tahan bawah akta ISA...x mau la aku..cam biase, absord jek. at least, i hv knowledge bout it...
diz morning, in fly fm their topic is....y do u hate wedding??
for me, i juz ok jek with wedding....aku suke air sirap kenduri org kawin sbb nyer, die ltk pandan..hehhehe..so, d main point aku ske g kenduri kawin adalah sbb aku ske air sirap pandan..klo dulu2, ak ske tgk pelamin n bride....skrg ni, sbb mane2 leh tgk gamba bride, mende tuh dah tak menjadi faktor penguja untuk ak g kenduri kawin..ak lagi ske makan2 kat kenduri kawin. n biase nyer, itu la yg aku wat, g mkn pas2 blik....wtp skrg ni cam mls nk g kenduri kawin especially kenduri kawin membe2 aku ni adalah kerana aku tak suke soalan2 yang di ajukan...dah tu, ko tu bl lagi??mls nye aku nk menjawab..dah jelas2 aku single takkan la aku ttb yg kawin dl kot.g la tnye org len [or mmg dorg ni tnye soalan same kat sume org kot...]ntah la....tp sbb soalan itu la yang menculaskan aku untuk ke kenduri kawin...
diz weekend kene menghadapai kenduri kawin membe aku....hehehehe.kite tgk ape yg bakal terjadi...
and yeah, guys do love pretty girls...
myb im looking 4 someone who is look at the brain instead of breast...
some one who adore me d way i am...
is it to much to ask???
Tuesday, May 27
al fatihah
terkesima sebentar apabila mendapat perkhabaran tentang kematian ibu kepada rakan seperjuangan ketika di sekolah dulu...yang dapat saya klasifikasikan sebagai rakan karib. yang juga jiran ku...
kali terakhir aku bertemu muka dengan cik dah [panggilan kepada ibu kawan ku itu], adalah ketika dia dimasukkan ke dalam hospital kerana ade infection pada kidney.she has been suffered for a long time due to her illness. she was a diabetic..pada hari perkahwinan laili, aku gagal menghadirkan diri kerana aku tgh final exam time tuh...so, mmg ms mak die msk hospital la kali terakhir aku berjumpe ngn die...semoga laili sentiasa tabah menghadapi dugaan hidup ini...
al fatihah buat cik dah ...semoga di tempatkan di kalangan orang2 yg soleh...
dan salam takziah unt famili laili di atas kehilangan orang tersayang...
daripada Nya kita datang, kepada Nya kita kembali...
di saat menghadapi berita kematian begini, aku terpikir2, cukup kah bekalan ku andai kata nyawa ku bakal di rentap sebentar lagi...
kali terakhir aku bertemu muka dengan cik dah [panggilan kepada ibu kawan ku itu], adalah ketika dia dimasukkan ke dalam hospital kerana ade infection pada kidney.she has been suffered for a long time due to her illness. she was a diabetic..pada hari perkahwinan laili, aku gagal menghadirkan diri kerana aku tgh final exam time tuh...so, mmg ms mak die msk hospital la kali terakhir aku berjumpe ngn die...semoga laili sentiasa tabah menghadapi dugaan hidup ini...
al fatihah buat cik dah ...semoga di tempatkan di kalangan orang2 yg soleh...
dan salam takziah unt famili laili di atas kehilangan orang tersayang...
daripada Nya kita datang, kepada Nya kita kembali...
di saat menghadapi berita kematian begini, aku terpikir2, cukup kah bekalan ku andai kata nyawa ku bakal di rentap sebentar lagi...
Monday, May 26
bored weekend
got mc laz friday coz d doc said my eyes look like panda bear...hehehe
so, go home n sleep for the whole day aftr taking d medicine...
this is d 1st weekend i m in bentong...n like alwiz, bz doing nothing...juz lazying around in d house n at nite g tgk final AF kat umah kak siti n en mohsin...yeay stacy menang tp x puas ati sbb nadia dpt 5th place..wut a great performance but still, tak de rezeki kan....
n sunday, like a day b4, bz doing nothing....so bosan la actually...n cnt sleep at nite coz my flu is getting worse laz nite..manage to fall asleeep at 2...
bisikan suara hati...
laz nite i realize smthng...smthng dat chnge my view to lot of thing bout wut i was holding on all of this time....wsmthng dat chnge my point of view bout everythng...
for all of this time, i dunno y, i cnt talk bout wut i feel inside wit him....aftr hang up d fon then i realized dat i shud talk bout it...
i realy wana talk bout smthng dat u dun like to talk bout...
if i cud....if i cn say it out loud...
laz but not least......i missed 2 engagement event and 1 wedding event laz weekend..
2 engagement parties of my frens...
1 in kuala breang, my room mate in SESTER and 1 in gua musang, my room mate in USM for 1st n 2nd year...
d weeding party is my childhood fren...juli...
i wish u all d bez...n for juli, slamat menjalani kehidupan baru...semoga panjang umur dan jodoh berkekalan hendaknya.....nnt dpt anak do inform me dear...im so epi for alll of u....
sori coz cnt b part of it on d big day.....
my frens is getting married...i wana get married too.....
but still, pakwe pn xde...huhuhu
so, go home n sleep for the whole day aftr taking d medicine...
this is d 1st weekend i m in bentong...n like alwiz, bz doing nothing...juz lazying around in d house n at nite g tgk final AF kat umah kak siti n en mohsin...yeay stacy menang tp x puas ati sbb nadia dpt 5th place..wut a great performance but still, tak de rezeki kan....
n sunday, like a day b4, bz doing nothing....so bosan la actually...n cnt sleep at nite coz my flu is getting worse laz nite..manage to fall asleeep at 2...
bisikan suara hati...
laz nite i realize smthng...smthng dat chnge my view to lot of thing bout wut i was holding on all of this time....wsmthng dat chnge my point of view bout everythng...
for all of this time, i dunno y, i cnt talk bout wut i feel inside wit him....aftr hang up d fon then i realized dat i shud talk bout it...
i realy wana talk bout smthng dat u dun like to talk bout...
if i cud....if i cn say it out loud...
laz but not least......i missed 2 engagement event and 1 wedding event laz weekend..
2 engagement parties of my frens...
1 in kuala breang, my room mate in SESTER and 1 in gua musang, my room mate in USM for 1st n 2nd year...
d weeding party is my childhood fren...juli...
i wish u all d bez...n for juli, slamat menjalani kehidupan baru...semoga panjang umur dan jodoh berkekalan hendaknya.....nnt dpt anak do inform me dear...im so epi for alll of u....
sori coz cnt b part of it on d big day.....
my frens is getting married...i wana get married too.....
but still, pakwe pn xde...huhuhu
Friday, May 23
its a runny nose
its getting worse...now, iv got fever.wana go 2 clinic afterward coz i cnt sleep laz nite...so tiring day for today.seriously....i nvr been this sick.
tu la, sape suh g men bowling smlm....n like alwiz, i scored among the lowest point...hehehe.
aftr d bowling game lastnite, i cnt even sleep coz my flu juz getting worse coz i had a latenight shower....huhuhuhu..mencari penyakit name nyer...
today, hoping for things getting better....
iki...take care urself....
tu la, sape suh g men bowling smlm....n like alwiz, i scored among the lowest point...hehehe.
aftr d bowling game lastnite, i cnt even sleep coz my flu juz getting worse coz i had a latenight shower....huhuhuhu..mencari penyakit name nyer...
today, hoping for things getting better....
iki...take care urself....
Thursday, May 22
flu attack
headache, flu, cough...wut a perfect life...plus, stay in air conditioning room 4 d whole day...make my flu blends well with my other symptoms of having fever....hopefully, i cn get back at 6 today n juz get rest as much as i want n need...when i m x very well, juz like now, i juz thinking, if there is someone for me...u know, juz b there 4 u n pampered u..some attention from someone wud b nice.its juz nice if u know dat someone is realy care bout u kan....but in my case, i doubt there is someone out there think of me...except my parents la...
as i walk thru this life line, i just never find someone who loves me like my parents do..someone who can put me ahead of themselves.care me more than themselves...love me more than themselves...there was a time, i really in pain,my gastric attack is more than often, even aftr i ate thru d strict schedule, my gastric still attack...dat time, my parents were really worried bout me.compare to my siblings, i m d healthiest child. i never emitted to hospital before..because of the gastric, i was emitted to hospital.i cn see how worried they are, coz i alwiz a hyperactive kid.i juz cnt stay still even a moment..but then, end up laying down bedridden in hospital. they pampered me with lots of love n never neglect my siblings and of coz, they r also worried bout me...i love the moment.my mum n dad both working n hv limited time to spend wit us, but of coz, we know dat they love me so much...
its true dat working parents have limited time with their kids but they do shared the quality time together...like playing bowling n go to movie...or juz lil picnic, or juz having lunch. but we do alwiz go picnic....
erk...dah x tau hala tuju dah post aku ni....jump one story to other without conclusion...hahahah...wut m i juz wana say is, i thnk, this is a strt of my fever.i juz feel sleepy n stil didnt have any idea to do my work..so, juz blogging for awhile...
as i walk thru this life line, i just never find someone who loves me like my parents do..someone who can put me ahead of themselves.care me more than themselves...love me more than themselves...there was a time, i really in pain,my gastric attack is more than often, even aftr i ate thru d strict schedule, my gastric still attack...dat time, my parents were really worried bout me.compare to my siblings, i m d healthiest child. i never emitted to hospital before..because of the gastric, i was emitted to hospital.i cn see how worried they are, coz i alwiz a hyperactive kid.i juz cnt stay still even a moment..but then, end up laying down bedridden in hospital. they pampered me with lots of love n never neglect my siblings and of coz, they r also worried bout me...i love the moment.my mum n dad both working n hv limited time to spend wit us, but of coz, we know dat they love me so much...
its true dat working parents have limited time with their kids but they do shared the quality time together...like playing bowling n go to movie...or juz lil picnic, or juz having lunch. but we do alwiz go picnic....
erk...dah x tau hala tuju dah post aku ni....jump one story to other without conclusion...hahahah...wut m i juz wana say is, i thnk, this is a strt of my fever.i juz feel sleepy n stil didnt have any idea to do my work..so, juz blogging for awhile...
color ur day.....
mulakan harimu dengan senyuman.... ;P
awal2 pagi sudah dgr lagu favourite aku...
aku mau kau tahu by hujan...
menceriakan mood aku yg sakit perut pada hari ini..
ntah ape yg berlaku pun aku tak tau....sakit tul perut aku pg td...
salah makan kot...tp cam x logik...or mayb makan pedas kot...
hari ini sume sudah settle...
submission to MOSTI is settled....
so, today planning is trying to have great2 understanding bout things that il b working on...hopefully i wont sleepy again while reading those text...heheheheh
Man United menang smlm..yeay!!!walaupun x tgk game tu..i will alwiz MU's fan...hehehehe
suasana kat office gamat kerana tindakan mahathir keluar UMNO...so, ari2 segala spekulasi apa yg bakal terjadi akan aku dgr..n like alwiz, i juz absorb everything...aku kan pemerhati bebas...heheehheh
this week is AF final...en Mohsin ajak g tgk AF umah die sbb umah die ade Astro plus die wana masak best2..memandangkan ujung minggu ni aku xde plan pape...i just accept d invitation....yeay...bley tgk AF final...
my parents mite b coming over here this weekend..probably tomorrow...they wont stay long i guess...wait...but this is school holiday, they mite b stay a bit longer....yeay.i wont b alone this weekend.
be in this work field really really differ with edu field...
by d way, i passed my final sem. yeay....no need to extend.can graduated in august!!!yeay!!!!cnt wait!!!
awal2 pagi sudah dgr lagu favourite aku...
aku mau kau tahu by hujan...
menceriakan mood aku yg sakit perut pada hari ini..
ntah ape yg berlaku pun aku tak tau....sakit tul perut aku pg td...
salah makan kot...tp cam x logik...or mayb makan pedas kot...
hari ini sume sudah settle...
submission to MOSTI is settled....
so, today planning is trying to have great2 understanding bout things that il b working on...hopefully i wont sleepy again while reading those text...heheheheh
Man United menang smlm..yeay!!!walaupun x tgk game tu..i will alwiz MU's fan...hehehehe
suasana kat office gamat kerana tindakan mahathir keluar UMNO...so, ari2 segala spekulasi apa yg bakal terjadi akan aku dgr..n like alwiz, i juz absorb everything...aku kan pemerhati bebas...heheehheh
this week is AF final...en Mohsin ajak g tgk AF umah die sbb umah die ade Astro plus die wana masak best2..memandangkan ujung minggu ni aku xde plan pape...i just accept d invitation....yeay...bley tgk AF final...
my parents mite b coming over here this weekend..probably tomorrow...they wont stay long i guess...wait...but this is school holiday, they mite b stay a bit longer....yeay.i wont b alone this weekend.
be in this work field really really differ with edu field...
by d way, i passed my final sem. yeay....no need to extend.can graduated in august!!!yeay!!!!cnt wait!!!
Wednesday, May 21
tak suke
another OT....uwaa..tp malangnyer kitorg takde allowance OT..wut a sad life...huhuhu
everyday mau OT!!!haiyak!!!less n lesser rest....
everyday mau OT!!!haiyak!!!less n lesser rest....
Tuesday, May 20
sharing is caring....
jika kite mengejar dunia, maka akhirat akan meninggalkan mu....
kejar la akhirat..maka dunia akan mengejarmu...
this is wut i heard from smwhr n i dun remember where....
but its realy wakes me up...
insyaALlah akan kekal aku ingat sampai bila2....
sesungguh nya, sebarkan walaupun sepotong ayat...
kejar la akhirat..maka dunia akan mengejarmu...
this is wut i heard from smwhr n i dun remember where....
but its realy wakes me up...
insyaALlah akan kekal aku ingat sampai bila2....
sesungguh nya, sebarkan walaupun sepotong ayat...
bowling tournament.....

there she goes..mama played bowling with very graceful yet score the highest point between me n my sis....haiyak..well, we cn nvr judge a book by its covers...rite???

n like alwiz....d self capture photo mode n kesengalan me n my lil sis

we at d moz sengalest point...

Sunday, May 18
holiday mood
this week went back home coz got wesak day cuti2...
n on d wesak day got bowling tournament...yeay...its been awhile since i play bowling..[eventhough im x dat gud..]
its a restless weekend...arrived homew at 1030...aftr leaved the office at 7..
the nex day, got family gathering at atuk's house...n cazen2 aku yg kaki buli tu telah membuli aku secukup2 nyer...but i enjoyed d company of coz..
then today, go to KT to settle my mums income tax problm...aku bley sesat plak kat bandar tuh..isk3.its been awhile i went there...jalan2 pun byk dah berubah...
ak x bape gemar ke KT sbb care dorg drive mmg kurang ajar kot...nk menyelit skati dorg jek...without signal..even kat roundabout pn x kasik signal...WTF..tensen tul...klo drive kat sn mmg kene extra careful...i nearly bumped into this lorry..ade ke ptt,die nk msk lorong...pas2, dah la x kasik signal.pas2 men celah jek.dah la time tu ak bwk quite laju gak r..sib bek lorong sblh xde org...mmg kene maki r org yg bwk lori tsbt...lantak r..sape suh bwk cm2...x skolah ker??
so pnt, blik2 umah trus pengsan..sbb bgn seawl 7 pg unt ke KT...walaupun aku duk di dalam terengganu....ttp ms unt uk ke KT adalah 2jam 45 min..ini adalah masa tanpa speeding...memandangkan traffic amat la byk kete, menyukarkan aku unt speeding pada hari ini...tambahan pulak, mama ade sblh, xle r bwk laju2..kang kene marah..hahahaha
k la..nk g mkn nasik kukus..yeay...
jadual mkn untuk 2 hari ini...
samapi hari jumaat
1030pm, mkn nasi air + carrot susu
sabtu..9am roti telur, 2pm, nasi+ikan singgang+kangkung celur..yummy...4pm=pulut kuning+rendang ayam kampung...9pm=susu HL+ aiskriim..
ahad...800=nasi lemak + milo o ais...2pm=lunch kat umah tok de, 4pm= ikan celup tepung kat kijal [ my fav], 8pm=nasi kukus...yeay...
k la...makan time..
n on d wesak day got bowling tournament...yeay...its been awhile since i play bowling..[eventhough im x dat gud..]
its a restless weekend...arrived homew at 1030...aftr leaved the office at 7..
the nex day, got family gathering at atuk's house...n cazen2 aku yg kaki buli tu telah membuli aku secukup2 nyer...but i enjoyed d company of coz..
then today, go to KT to settle my mums income tax problm...aku bley sesat plak kat bandar tuh..isk3.its been awhile i went there...jalan2 pun byk dah berubah...
ak x bape gemar ke KT sbb care dorg drive mmg kurang ajar kot...nk menyelit skati dorg jek...without signal..even kat roundabout pn x kasik signal...WTF..tensen tul...klo drive kat sn mmg kene extra careful...i nearly bumped into this lorry..ade ke ptt,die nk msk lorong...pas2, dah la x kasik signal.pas2 men celah jek.dah la time tu ak bwk quite laju gak r..sib bek lorong sblh xde org...mmg kene maki r org yg bwk lori tsbt...lantak r..sape suh bwk cm2...x skolah ker??
so pnt, blik2 umah trus pengsan..sbb bgn seawl 7 pg unt ke KT...walaupun aku duk di dalam terengganu....ttp ms unt uk ke KT adalah 2jam 45 min..ini adalah masa tanpa speeding...memandangkan traffic amat la byk kete, menyukarkan aku unt speeding pada hari ini...tambahan pulak, mama ade sblh, xle r bwk laju2..kang kene marah..hahahaha
k la..nk g mkn nasik kukus..yeay...
jadual mkn untuk 2 hari ini...
samapi hari jumaat
1030pm, mkn nasi air + carrot susu
sabtu..9am roti telur, 2pm, nasi+ikan singgang+kangkung celur..yummy...4pm=pulut kuning+rendang ayam kampung...9pm=susu HL+ aiskriim..
ahad...800=nasi lemak + milo o ais...2pm=lunch kat umah tok de, 4pm= ikan celup tepung kat kijal [ my fav], 8pm=nasi kukus...yeay...
k la...makan time..
Friday, May 16
now i know
now i know npe mhl gile mkn kat bentong...
byg kan, setengah pinggan nasik kosong kt bentong cost u rm1.50...
cn u imagine???
ptt la slame ni mkn x pnh kurang dr 5hinggit even i juz ate nasik separuh...
trus pening kpale..so mahal!!!!
n untuk ubati aku nyer skait kpale, ak jmpe lg bez ms tgh laayn you tube...
lyrics n song die bez...
byg kan, setengah pinggan nasik kosong kt bentong cost u rm1.50...
cn u imagine???
ptt la slame ni mkn x pnh kurang dr 5hinggit even i juz ate nasik separuh...
trus pening kpale..so mahal!!!!
n untuk ubati aku nyer skait kpale, ak jmpe lg bez ms tgh laayn you tube...
lyrics n song die bez...
hepi techer's day
wat if d reason if a guy didnt want to pick up his fon???
1. bz wit his stuff
2. mls nk lyn.
3. dah tido
4. ............[no idea]
so guys??wut do u think???
erm..pagi td smpt sembang2 psl life ngn kak habsah. she is very workaholic person n very caring.n her advise is, if u wana b a career woman, ur partner shud understand ur works n urself..it will b problm if ur partner didnt understand u..
if i hv one la kan...but for now, i still single n there shud b no problm if i wana work till midnite....according to my big boss,starting this august i will b extremely busy....till the commission of the project which is expected on april next year...
sepatutnye ak bz unt submission to MOSTI tp sempat lg aku mencurik tulang...hhahaha...sbb keje aku dah settle so far...hehehe.mintak2 arini blik keje awal..arini nk kene blik umah...klo blik lwt, mau bising mama n abah sbb smpai lwt...riso la ngn condition kete aku...brake die cm de problm skit....erm..hopefully nothng happen la...
today is teacher's day.....so, i dedicated my love to all my teachers...
to all teachers in skc...[sekolah keb. chukai...]especially cikgu aziz [cikgu yg pling syg aku..huahuahau],cikgu kamal[cikgu yg pakse aku nyanyi ms hari guru], cikgu fazidah hanim[alwiz hv faith in me], ustazah shazri izana[share everythng with her],teacher farhana [very2 sporting teacher]....
to all teachers in sid [smk sultan ismail 2]...especially, cikgu sapli[cikgu yg pling rpt ngn kitorg], cikgu kamaruddin n his wife,cikgu nor [guru klas yg amt2 bez..],cikgu disiplin[lupe name die]....
to all teachers in sester [sm sains kuala terengganu]...ustaz z [ my mentor], cikgu nazi[ class teacher n choose me to b class rep], sir [english teacher who alwiz told me dat i m cute.huhuhuh],kak na [ warden yg slalu jd tmpt aku mengadu], cikgu jeff [ even he teach BM, but tak pnh tdo lam klas die], cikgu fizik [ lupe plak name], cikgu bio[lupe gak name], n sume laa.....
terima kasih atas segala tunjuk ajar...sesungguh nya, tanapa bimbingan kalian dan restu dari mama n abah, i wont b here today...ribuan terima kasih untuk semua....
rindu zaman sekolah dolu dolu......
1. bz wit his stuff
2. mls nk lyn.
3. dah tido
4. ............[no idea]
so guys??wut do u think???
erm..pagi td smpt sembang2 psl life ngn kak habsah. she is very workaholic person n very caring.n her advise is, if u wana b a career woman, ur partner shud understand ur works n urself..it will b problm if ur partner didnt understand u..
if i hv one la kan...but for now, i still single n there shud b no problm if i wana work till midnite....according to my big boss,starting this august i will b extremely busy....till the commission of the project which is expected on april next year...
sepatutnye ak bz unt submission to MOSTI tp sempat lg aku mencurik tulang...hhahaha...sbb keje aku dah settle so far...hehehe.mintak2 arini blik keje awal..arini nk kene blik umah...klo blik lwt, mau bising mama n abah sbb smpai lwt...riso la ngn condition kete aku...brake die cm de problm skit....erm..hopefully nothng happen la...
today is teacher's day.....so, i dedicated my love to all my teachers...
to all teachers in skc...[sekolah keb. chukai...]especially cikgu aziz [cikgu yg pling syg aku..huahuahau],cikgu kamal[cikgu yg pakse aku nyanyi ms hari guru], cikgu fazidah hanim[alwiz hv faith in me], ustazah shazri izana[share everythng with her],teacher farhana [very2 sporting teacher]....
to all teachers in sid [smk sultan ismail 2]...especially, cikgu sapli[cikgu yg pling rpt ngn kitorg], cikgu kamaruddin n his wife,cikgu nor [guru klas yg amt2 bez..],cikgu disiplin[lupe name die]....
to all teachers in sester [sm sains kuala terengganu]...ustaz z [ my mentor], cikgu nazi[ class teacher n choose me to b class rep], sir [english teacher who alwiz told me dat i m cute.huhuhuh],kak na [ warden yg slalu jd tmpt aku mengadu], cikgu jeff [ even he teach BM, but tak pnh tdo lam klas die], cikgu fizik [ lupe plak name], cikgu bio[lupe gak name], n sume laa.....
terima kasih atas segala tunjuk ajar...sesungguh nya, tanapa bimbingan kalian dan restu dari mama n abah, i wont b here today...ribuan terima kasih untuk semua....
rindu zaman sekolah dolu dolu......
Thursday, May 15
its a long nite....
its been a long time since i had dreams in my night sleep...
n, smlm, ak bermimpi bout goin to an island...lawa sgt2 n yg plik nyer, ak leh nmpk d other part of island...cm island satu lagi tu duk sblh menyebelah...
tp nyer, we r x allowed to go to the shore...we arrived by banana boat at a small jettty...jetty tu wane pink kot if im x mistaken..cute sgt2...island ni cm aku kat alice in wonderland la...
walaupun we r x allowed to go to shore, but like alwiz, rules r made to be broken...kami pn pergi ke pantai. n gues wut, ak mandi pantai pkai baju yg aku ak pkai time aku tido which is pink hot pants n pink singlet...[i will nvr wear diz type of cloth outside my bedroom...]
n yg pling bez nyer, de adegan photoshoot lg tuh...amik gmba smbil lompat2...[ aksi bergamba yg ak sgt2 nk capture tp slalu fail...]
kitorg nye chalet 2 tingkat...dats d only chalet there....lawa sgt2...kt luar, de smal japanese garden wit gigantic fountain...air kt fountain tu colourful..pas2, our room kat ats.kat dpn tuh, de lampu yg di hanging2 dgn susunan yg amat lawa....i was mesmerized....
pas2 ak tjage ngn alarm aku..ms tu, island tu tgh di landa earthquake...
n 1 lg ak nyer penyakit yg org slalu gelak kat aku...contoh nyer, bl fon ringing time aku tido, bunyi tu akan msk lam mimpi aku....dats y it took me sometime to pick up d fon while i asleep...coz it is realy take some time to make sure dat its not dreams..n it is happening all d time..so, if i didnt pick up d fon while i was asleep,now u know y...hhahahahah....
ppl hv their phobia kan..tp ak ni kuat imagining things...klo org mrh2 aku, i alwiz imagine they slap me..contoh nyer, if u mad at sm1 else n u talk in hi pitch wit me...n in my mind, i imagining u will slap me...dats y la i realy hate it whn ppl get mad at me or throw his mad at me...coz it makes me feel like psychotic...i nvr been slapped n i realy dun wan 2 experienced it...realy2....iv been in fights b4, bertumbuk,sepak terajang ut is normal, but not slapping...even if u juz raise ur hand, my tears will drops like hell...or even u marah2 at me pn, its realy hurt me n u cn c mate i berair.....its x like i nvr kene mrh2...tp jarang kene mrh...dats y i cnt stand if ppl marah2 me...
but now, time keje, ari2 kene marah....sabo je r.so, i thnk, i hv 2 deal wit this weakness..i hv 2 admit dat it is normal if ppl get mad...n i hv 2 b cool enuf 2 make sure dat i won cry in d meeting...[sbb dlm meeting slalu tgk boss marah2...even die x mrh aku pn, i stil feel sad...hahaha...now i now im vry sensitive person after all...]
well...life is a process of learning...rite???
n, smlm, ak bermimpi bout goin to an island...lawa sgt2 n yg plik nyer, ak leh nmpk d other part of island...cm island satu lagi tu duk sblh menyebelah...
tp nyer, we r x allowed to go to the shore...we arrived by banana boat at a small jettty...jetty tu wane pink kot if im x mistaken..cute sgt2...island ni cm aku kat alice in wonderland la...
walaupun we r x allowed to go to shore, but like alwiz, rules r made to be broken...kami pn pergi ke pantai. n gues wut, ak mandi pantai pkai baju yg aku ak pkai time aku tido which is pink hot pants n pink singlet...[i will nvr wear diz type of cloth outside my bedroom...]
n yg pling bez nyer, de adegan photoshoot lg tuh...amik gmba smbil lompat2...[ aksi bergamba yg ak sgt2 nk capture tp slalu fail...]
kitorg nye chalet 2 tingkat...dats d only chalet there....lawa sgt2...kt luar, de smal japanese garden wit gigantic fountain...air kt fountain tu colourful..pas2, our room kat ats.kat dpn tuh, de lampu yg di hanging2 dgn susunan yg amat lawa....i was mesmerized....
pas2 ak tjage ngn alarm aku..ms tu, island tu tgh di landa earthquake...
n 1 lg ak nyer penyakit yg org slalu gelak kat aku...contoh nyer, bl fon ringing time aku tido, bunyi tu akan msk lam mimpi aku....dats y it took me sometime to pick up d fon while i asleep...coz it is realy take some time to make sure dat its not dreams..n it is happening all d time..so, if i didnt pick up d fon while i was asleep,now u know y...hhahahahah....
ppl hv their phobia kan..tp ak ni kuat imagining things...klo org mrh2 aku, i alwiz imagine they slap me..contoh nyer, if u mad at sm1 else n u talk in hi pitch wit me...n in my mind, i imagining u will slap me...dats y la i realy hate it whn ppl get mad at me or throw his mad at me...coz it makes me feel like psychotic...i nvr been slapped n i realy dun wan 2 experienced it...realy2....iv been in fights b4, bertumbuk,sepak terajang ut is normal, but not slapping...even if u juz raise ur hand, my tears will drops like hell...or even u marah2 at me pn, its realy hurt me n u cn c mate i berair.....its x like i nvr kene mrh2...tp jarang kene mrh...dats y i cnt stand if ppl marah2 me...
but now, time keje, ari2 kene marah....sabo je r.so, i thnk, i hv 2 deal wit this weakness..i hv 2 admit dat it is normal if ppl get mad...n i hv 2 b cool enuf 2 make sure dat i won cry in d meeting...[sbb dlm meeting slalu tgk boss marah2...even die x mrh aku pn, i stil feel sad...hahaha...now i now im vry sensitive person after all...]
well...life is a process of learning...rite???
Wednesday, May 14
laznite....he told me dat he wont make it to kl diz month. sedih..its been awhile i didnt meet him...so sedih.but wut to do...he cnt make it coz he needs to repair his car...uwaaa...terribly missing u!!!!
bout today...work sprti biase, x pnh nk abih. ade je keje...
kilang br nk start..n i start from zero.my boss said this is our advantage coz we hv diz valuable experience to set up d plant. even though there is a lot of thing to be settle down, n its very2 pening to handle diz thing...the thng dat i handling now is more to chemistry thing...as a polymer student, i did learn bout d basic chemistry not d detail part..so, we have to work even harder to have strong understanding bout all of this thing...n i also learn bout technical drawing. byk la mende baru yg blaja...n i love it..new thng..well, there is alwiz has pressure kan...
juz stand stil n handle d pressure smartly....
i miss my girls...someone to talk to bout girly stuffs. i miss ama n wahid very2 much....uwaaa..
its been awhile i didnt talk bout girly stuff....
its stil office hour...
bout today...work sprti biase, x pnh nk abih. ade je keje...
kilang br nk start..n i start from zero.my boss said this is our advantage coz we hv diz valuable experience to set up d plant. even though there is a lot of thing to be settle down, n its very2 pening to handle diz thing...the thng dat i handling now is more to chemistry thing...as a polymer student, i did learn bout d basic chemistry not d detail part..so, we have to work even harder to have strong understanding bout all of this thing...n i also learn bout technical drawing. byk la mende baru yg blaja...n i love it..new thng..well, there is alwiz has pressure kan...
juz stand stil n handle d pressure smartly....
i miss my girls...someone to talk to bout girly stuffs. i miss ama n wahid very2 much....uwaaa..
its been awhile i didnt talk bout girly stuff....
its stil office hour...
Tuesday, May 13

He looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be
he talks to me, I laugh cause it's just so damn funny
That I can't even see anyone when he's with me
I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night
He's the reason......
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
he walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly,
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
i wanna hold him tight, give him all d love i had
Look in those beautiful eyes and know im lucky cause
he's d reason y....
So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down and maybe
Get some sleep tonight
He's the time taken up, but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into..
Monday, May 12
after work
laz weekend.de another gotong royong...kene mengecat lagi....n yg malang nyer, ak terjatuh time tgh cat tank bomba..d red gigantic tank...riso gak aku..kang x psl2, aku nyer sakit dtg blik..tak sanggup nk menelan ubat yg byk2 tuh..so, ak pn mkn la pain killer...memandangkan posibility unt g klinik tu amat tipis, jd la doktor sndr..ubt sndr sakit ku ini...hahahha
xle tido 1 mlm gak la sbb skit blakang ni...ciap nangis2..hhahahaha
skrg dah ok dah slps demam 2 hari...huhuhu
psl keje aku ni,ak kene set up kilang baru..so, amat la hectic keje aku ni...kene blaja byk mende baru...for now, ak kene assign unt jaga psl electrical...hahahah
yg bez nyer, ms blaja dl, teknologi lektrik, ak dpt D...so, ak ngn slumber nyer ckp kat abg letrik yg wat wiring kat kilang ni...'bg, sy x blajo psl letrik ni, sy x tau pape...klo bley, ajo la sy...n abg tu bwk la aku tour d whole plant..ckp satu2...n cam biase...mule2 tu aku phm la..msk laz2 tuh,langsung aku x phm...dan di sebabkan abg tu pn de keje len, ak pn wat2 paham..hahahaha
so, pasni ak kaco die blik..hahahaha.ak x tau pn name die ape...lupe nk tnye.heheeh
k..cite psl umah baru aku plak..x baru sgt laa..dah 3 minggu dah...
im not alone anymore...n arini my housemate belikan peti sejuk..yeay..pasni bley bli aiskrim...hahahah
n pg td, breakfast ngn boss, soalan cepumas dariapada boss.
'fakira, awak xde pakwe ke??'
ak pn ngn slumber nyer geleng kepale...x tjangka plak soalan sprti itu yg akan di tanye...
'ni mesti kaki studi ni'...
hahahaha..camtu ker???
no la...sbb x jmpe lg kot...dat d only explanation...
mls nk mengungkai lbih lanjut psl jodoh2 ni...
i work quite hard to get him..myb he cnt c much enuf...or im x showing him enuf...
of myb i work too lil...but this is my 1st time.1st time i realy want sm1...or shud i say diz way..d 1st time i made d 1st move....
so, up to him la....he told me he wana take it slow..how slow???i duno...hoping its on a fast track now...
xle tido 1 mlm gak la sbb skit blakang ni...ciap nangis2..hhahahaha
skrg dah ok dah slps demam 2 hari...huhuhu
psl keje aku ni,ak kene set up kilang baru..so, amat la hectic keje aku ni...kene blaja byk mende baru...for now, ak kene assign unt jaga psl electrical...hahahah
yg bez nyer, ms blaja dl, teknologi lektrik, ak dpt D...so, ak ngn slumber nyer ckp kat abg letrik yg wat wiring kat kilang ni...'bg, sy x blajo psl letrik ni, sy x tau pape...klo bley, ajo la sy...n abg tu bwk la aku tour d whole plant..ckp satu2...n cam biase...mule2 tu aku phm la..msk laz2 tuh,langsung aku x phm...dan di sebabkan abg tu pn de keje len, ak pn wat2 paham..hahahaha
so, pasni ak kaco die blik..hahahaha.ak x tau pn name die ape...lupe nk tnye.heheeh
k..cite psl umah baru aku plak..x baru sgt laa..dah 3 minggu dah...
im not alone anymore...n arini my housemate belikan peti sejuk..yeay..pasni bley bli aiskrim...hahahah
n pg td, breakfast ngn boss, soalan cepumas dariapada boss.
'fakira, awak xde pakwe ke??'
ak pn ngn slumber nyer geleng kepale...x tjangka plak soalan sprti itu yg akan di tanye...
'ni mesti kaki studi ni'...
hahahaha..camtu ker???
no la...sbb x jmpe lg kot...dat d only explanation...
mls nk mengungkai lbih lanjut psl jodoh2 ni...
i work quite hard to get him..myb he cnt c much enuf...or im x showing him enuf...
of myb i work too lil...but this is my 1st time.1st time i realy want sm1...or shud i say diz way..d 1st time i made d 1st move....
so, up to him la....he told me he wana take it slow..how slow???i duno...hoping its on a fast track now...
streamyx is on
after 2 weeks, barulah problem wit streamyx is fixed...n now, i cn write back in my blog...
i tot living in small town will b vry cheap2 thing..like mkn2 or brg2...but i never know, d prices is even higher...byg kan, tgh hari, u mkn biase2 n they cn cost u rm6 per meal...its only ikan kembung n nasik n tea o ais...tahap makan yg mahal amat sgt....
ak kene pk blik benefit2 lain unt aku trus gagah di sini...hahahha
laz wed, iv been searchng 4 tgv which is newly open in bukit tinggi...looking 4 tgv 2 watch ironman...tp nyer, we search the whole bukit tinggi n we cnt find it...frust nyer tak yah la ckp..teramatla frust...if we want to eat mcd, we have to go to r&r genting sempah...tp it juz take us 10 minutes from here...but quite bosan la...except for past few days..keje yg berlambak membuatkan aku teramat lah letih..
now cannot enjoy2...sbb nyer, takde tmpt mau enjoy...very religious person. n here, very nice place..time solat, sume solat...i love d environment..d ppl...so far.everythng juz fine in work place...except kene bambu time meeting n workload yg amat truk smpai aku ari2 pn mau pening...hahahaha
k la..in d midle of smthng...write smthng later....aftr work...
i tot living in small town will b vry cheap2 thing..like mkn2 or brg2...but i never know, d prices is even higher...byg kan, tgh hari, u mkn biase2 n they cn cost u rm6 per meal...its only ikan kembung n nasik n tea o ais...tahap makan yg mahal amat sgt....
ak kene pk blik benefit2 lain unt aku trus gagah di sini...hahahha
laz wed, iv been searchng 4 tgv which is newly open in bukit tinggi...looking 4 tgv 2 watch ironman...tp nyer, we search the whole bukit tinggi n we cnt find it...frust nyer tak yah la ckp..teramatla frust...if we want to eat mcd, we have to go to r&r genting sempah...tp it juz take us 10 minutes from here...but quite bosan la...except for past few days..keje yg berlambak membuatkan aku teramat lah letih..
now cannot enjoy2...sbb nyer, takde tmpt mau enjoy...very religious person. n here, very nice place..time solat, sume solat...i love d environment..d ppl...so far.everythng juz fine in work place...except kene bambu time meeting n workload yg amat truk smpai aku ari2 pn mau pening...hahahaha
k la..in d midle of smthng...write smthng later....aftr work...
Saturday, May 3
new phase of life...
student phase is over laz week...n laz week also d beginning of a new phase 4 me...phase of working...
cm x caye ade gak...alhamdulillah...dapat selesaikan sume mende tanpa byk halangan...
walaupun tgn aku dah mule calar balar....tp takpe r....learning process....
erm...baru 3 hari aku pindah dr penang...'he' sort of put me away...erm.mayb die bz kot..erm.x kisah la...ak bukan sm1 yg akan pakse org to love me back..so, let it b je r....2 early to judge everythng..rite??
erm...bout me n my new place....
a small town....
1. duit aku x abih untuk aku berjolly....
2. mkn murah...
3.takde traffic jam...[aku suke]
4. living cost affordable
5. neighbour baik2
1. klo aku bosan, mmg mati kutu
2. bosan gile...
3. susah nk carik brg2....[susah skit la sbb x knl tmpt lg kot....]
secara kesimpulan nye, ak lagi ske small town....
ak x ske tmpt yg congested...pening....xde ketenangan....
quote of d day...
we never know wut we've got till its gone....
cm x caye ade gak...alhamdulillah...dapat selesaikan sume mende tanpa byk halangan...
walaupun tgn aku dah mule calar balar....tp takpe r....learning process....
erm...baru 3 hari aku pindah dr penang...'he' sort of put me away...erm.mayb die bz kot..erm.x kisah la...ak bukan sm1 yg akan pakse org to love me back..so, let it b je r....2 early to judge everythng..rite??
erm...bout me n my new place....
a small town....
1. duit aku x abih untuk aku berjolly....
2. mkn murah...
3.takde traffic jam...[aku suke]
4. living cost affordable
5. neighbour baik2
1. klo aku bosan, mmg mati kutu
2. bosan gile...
3. susah nk carik brg2....[susah skit la sbb x knl tmpt lg kot....]
secara kesimpulan nye, ak lagi ske small town....
ak x ske tmpt yg congested...pening....xde ketenangan....
quote of d day...
we never know wut we've got till its gone....
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