Tuesday, October 6

short update....

...narrator...:: ekey'z
sekarang, i am reporting to new people...
new circle of people....
my new work...
new career politics....
n now, its learning....
everyday is learning phases....
ok la..but frankly, its hard to be among these peoples...
sebab aku kan sangat tak warm kepada orang yang aku tak kenal...
but at least i smile....
sebab aku memang bukan pencetus perbualan...
kamu cetuskan, aku akan sambung....

1st month ni aku akan roughly said to know everything...
to make sure everything is in the order.....

aku sebenarnye mahu cakap lagi banyak...
tp aku penat...


weekend ni mungkin aku update!!!

dan weekend ni engagement uda.,congrats hun!!!!



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