selepas di pikirkan semasak masak nye.... keputusan yang aku wat n i will stand for skrg is... il b ignorance to all of them..to him-so called-mybf-i-tried-to-avoid, to her-busybody-exgf bestfren-so-called-bitch, to his-exgf-so-called-Ntah-pape... well, ignorance is my specialty after all....its so damn easy to act cold... n dat is wut m i goin to do... lantak la pe jadi...yg penting, aku mls nk pk psl mende yg amat2 la sakitkan kpale aku dan aku x suke!!!ahaks... sgt selfish sbnrnyer, tp who cares!!!!only i care bout me....n it will alwiz b dat way... ppl who claimed that they care bout me, they hurt me more... except for my family la kan...they really care bout me...dats y.... no more love.... i m goin back to d old me....
heartless, cold blooded n of coz mean...
.bl aku sembang ngn ama smlm br aku kembali kpd rational mind aku...
klo dl aku leh jd very2 ignorance bout love n heartache, nape x skrg??
thankx ama on everything....useful advise....i mean, brilliant words that make me feel so alive...so so alive...
so, d ignorant ekey is back...
welcome back ekey..welcome back...
b, its not that i dun like u, but i think if i stay, things will nvr settle..we cnt live at peace..u n me cnt live at peace...its hard at first, but we can stay friend rite???u can alwiz talk to me, u know i will alwiz b by ur side n find ways to make u smile...rite??
heartless, cold blooded n of coz mean...
.bl aku sembang ngn ama smlm br aku kembali kpd rational mind aku...
klo dl aku leh jd very2 ignorance bout love n heartache, nape x skrg??
thankx ama on everything....useful advise....i mean, brilliant words that make me feel so alive...so so alive...
so, d ignorant ekey is back...
welcome back ekey..welcome back...
b, its not that i dun like u, but i think if i stay, things will nvr settle..we cnt live at peace..u n me cnt live at peace...its hard at first, but we can stay friend rite???u can alwiz talk to me, u know i will alwiz b by ur side n find ways to make u smile...rite??
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