selepas hampir 2 minggu baru la aku dpt tau yg surprise party untuk aku di Swiss aritu adalah hasil kerje kak habsah dan azrul....sgt2 terharu..bez kan dpt colleague yg bez!!!i m so lucky!!!
thank you kak habsah!!!love u so much....
Thursday, July 31
Tuesday, July 29
sure thing hun....
here for you....

love is in d it??or is it not???up to u...but for me, everyday is love...
i have soul but i m not a soldier...[lagu aku dgr kat mane ntah smlm]

n if u r gone, i pretend that u r alwiz here by me...
but i know, u r alwiz here by me eventhough u r not around....
all the silly things uv done alwiz wipe away my tears...[erk..but u nvr make me cry,anggap je r ayat ini sbgai dongeng.ahaks]
n babe....i miss u so muchy much....
cnt wait 2 c u on saturday...yeay!!!!
but i know, u r alwiz here by me eventhough u r not around....

n babe....i miss u so muchy much....
cnt wait 2 c u on saturday...yeay!!!!
Monday, July 28
Sunday, July 27
arini...atuk aku msk hospital lagi skali..tgh pk2 nk amik cuti ke x..tapi ateh kate,its ok..kan br blik, nex weekend blik la...then, dats hook or by crook...goin back home next weekend...
erm...sorry syahnur. kinda make him upset several time since laz few days...tgh2 die call, de je i have to drve, i tgh ckp2 ngn org len la...sorry dear.... :(
die dah la tgh frust..berusah bersungguh2 unt at least balik 1 hari juz wana c org sane x kasik ek??takpe la...dats ur job. n i will understand it...i know u really wana c me since our 'first date',he kinda spoil my mood skit kan....[n diz is secret i wont tell...shhh]
k la..kinda worried with my atuk actually....hopefully he will b ok...Amin...
i promise u guys my pic rite???still have no pun celah2 jek....
erm...sorry syahnur. kinda make him upset several time since laz few days...tgh2 die call, de je i have to drve, i tgh ckp2 ngn org len la...sorry dear.... :(
die dah la tgh frust..berusah bersungguh2 unt at least balik 1 hari juz wana c org sane x kasik ek??takpe la...dats ur job. n i will understand it...i know u really wana c me since our 'first date',he kinda spoil my mood skit kan....[n diz is secret i wont tell...shhh]
k la..kinda worried with my atuk actually....hopefully he will b ok...Amin...
i promise u guys my pic rite???still have no pun celah2 jek....
Saturday, July 26
cite gile yg menyebabkan sume org gelakkan aku plak yang amat takut di kala mende tu terjadi...
ini adalah apabila ade org ttb ckp,
'i m attracted to u'
gilo....n yg lagi gilo, sume org gelakkan aku cite kat mama n abah n abg iwan, sume duk bantai gelak....huhuhuhu
mama aku ngn slumber nyer, carik org Malaysia dah r...
bile aku cite kat syahnur pn same gak...kaw kaw kene gelak...hahahaha. n bile aku tanye, tak takut ker??x rase tergugat ker???ngn slumber die ckp, 'syg nk ke kat die???' n i said, 'nope'...'so, nape nk rs tergugat, len la klo syg nk, tu dah jd cite lain...'
wink u b..hehehehe
skrg, aku dah 3 hari di umah....sgt2 bez bl dah 3 minggu x dpt mkn mskn mama...aku dpt mkn nyk2 skrg...n especially, ikan singgang...yeay!!!mkn ikan singgang 2 hari berturut2..hehehehe
n ptg td, g shopping bj x g bli kasut lg...nnt la kasut tu..beli kat penang pn sempat lagi....
sangat mls unt mula bekerja...uwaaa....
ps: gmba2 len akan di upload di ms len....
ini adalah apabila ade org ttb ckp,
'i m attracted to u'
gilo....n yg lagi gilo, sume org gelakkan aku cite kat mama n abah n abg iwan, sume duk bantai gelak....huhuhuhu
mama aku ngn slumber nyer, carik org Malaysia dah r...
bile aku cite kat syahnur pn same gak...kaw kaw kene gelak...hahahaha. n bile aku tanye, tak takut ker??x rase tergugat ker???ngn slumber die ckp, 'syg nk ke kat die???' n i said, 'nope'...'so, nape nk rs tergugat, len la klo syg nk, tu dah jd cite lain...'
wink u b..hehehehe
skrg, aku dah 3 hari di umah....sgt2 bez bl dah 3 minggu x dpt mkn mskn mama...aku dpt mkn nyk2 skrg...n especially, ikan singgang...yeay!!!mkn ikan singgang 2 hari berturut2..hehehehe
n ptg td, g shopping bj x g bli kasut lg...nnt la kasut tu..beli kat penang pn sempat lagi....
sangat mls unt mula bekerja...uwaaa....
ps: gmba2 len akan di upload di ms len....
Monday, July 21
laz weeeeekend
laz weekend pergi ke zurich....amik ms 3 jam dr geneva...
mmg beso gile babeng tp yg x bez nye, aku nyer camera abih bateri!!!!argh!!!!sangat tension!!!!
berkenalan ngn kawan david which is, john n andrea...
n andrea is a photographer....
sgt2 kagum..sbb die adalah pesakit parkinson ttp gamba yg di ambil sgt2 menarik...composition colour yg sgt best....n andrea sgt2 baik n nice....andrea ni org german, so, bl korg bukak page ni, x dpt la phm pe die tulis, tp enjoy with her pics k...
memulakan pengembaraan dengan menaiki lil boat daripada green bridge melalui beberapa bridge tasik....melalui fountain, which is much2 smaller than geneve diz one is rhythmic fountain. pastu, g 1 taman, di panggil, china park...lawa...byk gile ikan...
pas2, g jln2, g shopping..sbb byk sale, aku pn prabih duit..selepas 4 jam shopping...balik n men game....zingler (dlm german..n aku x tua nk eje.hehehe)
bez gile game monopoly tp bukan nk explain psl game ni...
pas2 aku msk nasik, david wat salad n john wat vege pai yg bez....mkn byk pas2 mandi pas2 tido
esok nyer bgn agak game lg...kali ni aku bukan org laz..yeay...
tgk gamba dr andrea...
pastu, g kat uglieber...kat atas bukit ni, de 1 menara yg amat tinggi...168 anak tangga...n dpt tgk d whole zurich...
pas2, balik....sbbb ujan...
begitu al kisah nyer....
zurich sgt bez....kt zurich pns skit klo nk bandingkan ngn geneve...
sbb nk tuntut janji...
belated birthday celebration.....dat wut he promise wait for u hun...
n of coz, d promise....hehehehe...
mmg beso gile babeng tp yg x bez nye, aku nyer camera abih bateri!!!!argh!!!!sangat tension!!!!
berkenalan ngn kawan david which is, john n andrea...
n andrea is a photographer....
sgt2 kagum..sbb die adalah pesakit parkinson ttp gamba yg di ambil sgt2 menarik...composition colour yg sgt best....n andrea sgt2 baik n nice....andrea ni org german, so, bl korg bukak page ni, x dpt la phm pe die tulis, tp enjoy with her pics k...
memulakan pengembaraan dengan menaiki lil boat daripada green bridge melalui beberapa bridge tasik....melalui fountain, which is much2 smaller than geneve diz one is rhythmic fountain. pastu, g 1 taman, di panggil, china park...lawa...byk gile ikan...
pas2, g jln2, g shopping..sbb byk sale, aku pn prabih duit..selepas 4 jam shopping...balik n men game....zingler (dlm german..n aku x tua nk eje.hehehe)
bez gile game monopoly tp bukan nk explain psl game ni...
pas2 aku msk nasik, david wat salad n john wat vege pai yg bez....mkn byk pas2 mandi pas2 tido
esok nyer bgn agak game lg...kali ni aku bukan org laz..yeay...
tgk gamba dr andrea...
pastu, g kat uglieber...kat atas bukit ni, de 1 menara yg amat tinggi...168 anak tangga...n dpt tgk d whole zurich...
pas2, balik....sbbb ujan...
begitu al kisah nyer....
zurich sgt bez....kt zurich pns skit klo nk bandingkan ngn geneve...
itu shj...amat x sabar unt pulang!!!!!!yeay!!!!!
bley jumpe syahnur...hopefully die bley balik darat lg cpt...ahaks...sbb nk tuntut janji...
belated birthday celebration.....dat wut he promise wait for u hun...
n of coz, d promise....hehehehe...
Friday, July 18
17 july 2008
pagi tu moody sgt2 sbb aku rs sgt2 lonely n sgt riso sbb aku cam sakit jek...
pas2, quite senyap pd pg tu, ciap nangis2 ckp ngn mak aku...
n tgh aku duk x bercakap tu, david panggil aku minum kopi...aku plik gak, mamat ni biase slalu suh aku keje jek...
so, aku yg tgh emosi x stabil tu [br pas nangis kat mama aku], ikut je la g pantri...
n gues wut, there is a cake n a box of choc. n aku pn cam terharu sgt2 smpai nangis2...hahaha
bongok tul...nape la aku g nangis...aku pn kurang pasti...hehehehe
pas2, d whole company celebrate my brthday.....walaupun thn ini aku x dpt celebrate ngn pakwe sprti yg aku imagine x kisah la.sbb arini sgt bez...hehheeheh
pas2, shahida, david's fren from maldive, ask me out....pas2 g shopping n she cooked me dinner. which is superb.
ala2 maldivian la skit ok la...kene la selera dan sgt sgt bez...she baked a cake for me..nice huh???
sgt sgt bez...blik kul 11 pm, terbungkam tido...sbb arini sgt penat...n full of surprises....
thankx for those who r wishing me..
ikut turutan 5 org pertama....thank u so much u all
1. shahnur (awal gile wish sbb die kene g nek laut)
2. sinister
5.zaim....quite terkejut gak r zaim akan menghantar msg kat aku ok jek.frens kan...
org pertama, org yg wat aku dlm confuse minggu lps...dan skrg, aku rs, yg terbaik ialah, biar kan je, klo jadi, jadi la. klo x, x la...
org kedua, org yg aku ade biggest crush tp die cm, just let it b dat way...
3 dan 4 adalah bezfren ku....aku syg kamu...
5 adalah my ex...which is i know evryone knows....
ama mong plak, die wat sengal jek...tensen jek aku....
walaupun my adik n abg sedikit lambat wish, tp aku x kisah as long as dorg ingat aku...kan???
love u all
stil...i miss home!!!!!
now i m 23rd .....
plus, got lovely keychain, perfume botle n lots of choc on my burfday....thanx guys....
mwah mwah mwah
pas2, quite senyap pd pg tu, ciap nangis2 ckp ngn mak aku...
n tgh aku duk x bercakap tu, david panggil aku minum kopi...aku plik gak, mamat ni biase slalu suh aku keje jek...
so, aku yg tgh emosi x stabil tu [br pas nangis kat mama aku], ikut je la g pantri...
n gues wut, there is a cake n a box of choc. n aku pn cam terharu sgt2 smpai nangis2...hahaha
bongok tul...nape la aku g nangis...aku pn kurang pasti...hehehehe
pas2, d whole company celebrate my brthday.....walaupun thn ini aku x dpt celebrate ngn pakwe sprti yg aku imagine x kisah la.sbb arini sgt bez...hehheeheh
pas2, shahida, david's fren from maldive, ask me out....pas2 g shopping n she cooked me dinner. which is superb.
ala2 maldivian la skit ok la...kene la selera dan sgt sgt bez...she baked a cake for me..nice huh???
sgt sgt bez...blik kul 11 pm, terbungkam tido...sbb arini sgt penat...n full of surprises....
thankx for those who r wishing me..
ikut turutan 5 org pertama....thank u so much u all
1. shahnur (awal gile wish sbb die kene g nek laut)
2. sinister
5.zaim....quite terkejut gak r zaim akan menghantar msg kat aku ok jek.frens kan...
org pertama, org yg wat aku dlm confuse minggu lps...dan skrg, aku rs, yg terbaik ialah, biar kan je, klo jadi, jadi la. klo x, x la...
org kedua, org yg aku ade biggest crush tp die cm, just let it b dat way...
3 dan 4 adalah bezfren ku....aku syg kamu...
5 adalah my ex...which is i know evryone knows....
ama mong plak, die wat sengal jek...tensen jek aku....
walaupun my adik n abg sedikit lambat wish, tp aku x kisah as long as dorg ingat aku...kan???
love u all
stil...i miss home!!!!!
now i m 23rd .....
plus, got lovely keychain, perfume botle n lots of choc on my burfday....thanx guys....
mwah mwah mwah
Wednesday, July 16
sempat mencelah
its been awhile didnt write up smthng here...
arini dpt rehat i dun thnk i had so much time to write up so mny thing
laz weekend, iv been to bern, lausanne and sempat ronda2 geneva...
bern adalah capital city of geneva....its so so beautiful....
i love bern so much....nnt aku upload gamba yer...skrg sgt bz...
tp sgt2 happening...
ari ahad, g aunssie kat france.....sgt2 bez gak....
n rite now...being missing much
sbb die naik laut lagi....isk.hantu laut x kisah r.sbb aku bukan ade kat sane pn.klo ade, bley gak kuar n makan2...hahaha...nape klo kuar kene mkn???sbb aku suke mkn...hahahaha
sorry babe, didnt answer ur fon, walaupun kau tau die mesti Q unt wat fon call....but wut to wit works....
sorry babe :(
p/s : wahid, ko ingt x yg aku ckp aku jmpe membe aku kat station bus on d way back from kuantan to penang ms kite 2nd year kot....pas2 aku nyesal x mntk no fon time tu???
ak x sure ko ingt ke aku rs aku cite kt ko...kan???
arini dpt rehat i dun thnk i had so much time to write up so mny thing
laz weekend, iv been to bern, lausanne and sempat ronda2 geneva...
bern adalah capital city of geneva....its so so beautiful....
i love bern so much....nnt aku upload gamba yer...skrg sgt bz...
tp sgt2 happening...
ari ahad, g aunssie kat france.....sgt2 bez gak....
n rite now...being missing much
sbb die naik laut lagi....isk.hantu laut x kisah r.sbb aku bukan ade kat sane pn.klo ade, bley gak kuar n makan2...hahaha...nape klo kuar kene mkn???sbb aku suke mkn...hahahaha
sorry babe, didnt answer ur fon, walaupun kau tau die mesti Q unt wat fon call....but wut to wit works....
sorry babe :(
p/s : wahid, ko ingt x yg aku ckp aku jmpe membe aku kat station bus on d way back from kuantan to penang ms kite 2nd year kot....pas2 aku nyesal x mntk no fon time tu???
ak x sure ko ingt ke aku rs aku cite kt ko...kan???
Tuesday, July 15
u n i
its kinda funny how we start...
its kinda coincidently met each other back thru fs...[cam dak2 pun ade gak..hahaha]
what i love best.....
u r my sugar plum, sweet honey pie...
when he call me n d 1st thing dat come out from his mouth is ' i miss u hun..' [damn...its so sweet..]
when he seems very2 excited after hearing my voice after only 2 days he cant reach me..
when strolling thru my pics become his routine every night before he closed his eyes....
when he never fail to give me a call...
when i m d 1 dat he miss...
when he call me syg....hehehe
i cant wait to meet him again....
its kinda coincidently met each other back thru fs...[cam dak2 pun ade gak..hahaha]
what i love best.....
u r my sugar plum, sweet honey pie...
when he call me n d 1st thing dat come out from his mouth is ' i miss u hun..' [damn...its so sweet..]
when he seems very2 excited after hearing my voice after only 2 days he cant reach me..
when strolling thru my pics become his routine every night before he closed his eyes....
when he never fail to give me a call...
when i m d 1 dat he miss...
when he call me syg....hehehe
i cant wait to meet him again....
miss u so damn much...
Friday, July 11
big confuse

mende serious tp cam x serious...aku pn x pasti...serious ke tidak...klo serious, nape aku rs cam x serious jek???ntah la...die serious ker???nape aku rs die pn confuse??? la namenyer takde keje, g carik keje....ttb kene pk mende2 alah yg memeningkan ini....n of coz, aku x suke berada di dalam keadaan yg aku keep on wondering wut is rite n wut is wrong..aku sgt2 la straight to d point...n aku suke mengclearkan sume mende yg x clear....especially bl melibatkan hubungan aku ngn org len...dan skrg, aku amatla x suke keadaan ini...keadaan di mana aku rs, cam smthng is x nk wat ni???
aku confuse nk mampus ni!!!!!!!
klo aku dan diri aku konpius psl diri aku, tu len cite klo aku konpius dgn diri aku sndr, itu pelik namenyer....n mende tu x pnh terjadi buat ms ini.....hik hik hik
tgk, betapa confuse nye aku smpai aku pn ckp merapu2....n u cn c how confuse i m...
tp mende yg bez nyer...arini batch aku berjaya on spec...yeay...
walaupun x bape on spec nye, still on spec n thr is alwiz rooms for improvement rite...
now my positive side is brighten up....yeay...
pray for my success.....
Ya Allah..permudahkanlah segala urusan ku, duniawi dan ukhrawi...Amin..
mende serious tp cam x serious...aku pn x pasti...serious ke tidak...klo serious, nape aku rs cam x serious jek???ntah la...die serious ker???nape aku rs die pn confuse??? la namenyer takde keje, g carik keje....ttb kene pk mende2 alah yg memeningkan ini....n of coz, aku x suke berada di dalam keadaan yg aku keep on wondering wut is rite n wut is wrong..aku sgt2 la straight to d point...n aku suke mengclearkan sume mende yg x clear....especially bl melibatkan hubungan aku ngn org len...dan skrg, aku amatla x suke keadaan ini...keadaan di mana aku rs, cam smthng is x nk wat ni???
aku confuse nk mampus ni!!!!!!!
klo aku dan diri aku konpius psl diri aku, tu len cite klo aku konpius dgn diri aku sndr, itu pelik namenyer....n mende tu x pnh terjadi buat ms ini.....hik hik hik
tgk, betapa confuse nye aku smpai aku pn ckp merapu2....n u cn c how confuse i m...
tp mende yg bez nyer...arini batch aku berjaya on spec...yeay...
walaupun x bape on spec nye, still on spec n thr is alwiz rooms for improvement rite...
now my positive side is brighten up....yeay...
pray for my success.....
Ya Allah..permudahkanlah segala urusan ku, duniawi dan ukhrawi...Amin..
iv been working more thn 12 hours by now...
its been 13hours in fact...13 hours tanpa keluar drpd lab...can u imagine???
pnt gile nk mampus!!!! tired!!!!!!!
td x mkn tgh hr, juz mkn roti jek pg td...n now, its 8pm, still didnt dinner...
damn...i m really2 extra2 exhausted....
damn...i wish i cn straightly go to bed now...or myb a nap....seriously....i m extra weak by now....
its been 13hours in fact...13 hours tanpa keluar drpd lab...can u imagine???
pnt gile nk mampus!!!! tired!!!!!!!
td x mkn tgh hr, juz mkn roti jek pg td...n now, its 8pm, still didnt dinner...
damn...i m really2 extra2 exhausted....
damn...i wish i cn straightly go to bed now...or myb a nap....seriously....i m extra weak by now....
Thursday, July 10
Wednesday, July 9
i m so stressed out...
the things i m dealing with stilll out off specs...
my 1st trial yesterday was out of specs a lil bit...n it getting worse for 2nd trial..which is totally gel. gelation occur n this is absolutely smthng i dun need and dun want to happen in plant....
damn...its very stressfull.....seriously!!!!
the things i m dealing with stilll out off specs...
my 1st trial yesterday was out of specs a lil bit...n it getting worse for 2nd trial..which is totally gel. gelation occur n this is absolutely smthng i dun need and dun want to happen in plant....
damn...its very stressfull.....seriously!!!!
Tuesday, July 8
more complicated
okey...memandangkan i just need to let d batch stirr for another 2 hours n it seems to stabilized, i had this opputunity to write smthng up...skrg, aku akan cite a bit detail bout everything....except for d 1st day of travelling which is, most 15 hours in plane....its such a boring one...
on friday, we had a quick tour on d factory....quitew impressive how clean the factory is...this is chemical plant. the produce powders n resin as well...they had halal certification for their pilot plant...halal certification is a cleanliness certification for industries. the company name is Aqua Plus Tech. its nearby the river, which is border of swiss n france...
then, after the tour, we when to morroco restaurant to have dinner. the food taste quite weird. especially the wheat....
after that, we take a walk back to the hotel...nice view, since its summer, the sun is bright enuf.the sunrise around 4am and the sunset around, eventhough we r almost 9pm from the restaurant, its still bright...we are head to bed since we r going to wake up early tomorrow to have quite along journey to yvoire.
n david told us bout some rules in, u cnt take a bath after 10pm in apartment coz it will disturbs others to sleep...and over all, ppl will go to bed around 9 - 10pm...n did i told u, in front of Aqua+Tech, there is a familiaux gardin which means family garden. because almost citizen in geneva live in d apartment, they bought this small piece of land to build a small houses n do some planting. but, in this family garden, they cant even sleep in here eventough they hv small houses there. they have to leave before 10pm...
n if u wana moved, u have to inform police...this is to make sure they know whr r u staying. n ppl that works with UN,WHO, ITO etc, they had different car registration no n these ppl dont have to pay tax, will nvr hv traffic tickets, n they can park everywhr n get half price of oil n accommodation is provided....doesnt it sounds great???
plus, highway in Swiss, u just pay 35 SF per year and dats it, no more tol....great huh???
n the public transportation over here is really2 great....u cn even go to paris by train....does it sound great???
but still, i miss home...miss the warmth of malaysia. eventhough its summer, the highest temperature will be around 20-26 only....u can walk all over the place n u wont sweat at all....
having tea before next flight (in amsterdam)
the first day in geneva, n u mite be surprised that the shopping complex n shops over here closed on 6pm every day except on thursday on 8pm and totally close on, u only have chance to bought everything on we arrived at 7pm at geneva, n azrul lost his luggage, he went to shop while i end up on bed since iv got pretty bad period pain....took a couple of aspirin n sleeps till morning...on friday, we had a quick tour on d factory....quitew impressive how clean the factory is...this is chemical plant. the produce powders n resin as well...they had halal certification for their pilot plant...halal certification is a cleanliness certification for industries. the company name is Aqua Plus Tech. its nearby the river, which is border of swiss n france...
then, after the tour, we when to morroco restaurant to have dinner. the food taste quite weird. especially the wheat....
after that, we take a walk back to the hotel...nice view, since its summer, the sun is bright enuf.the sunrise around 4am and the sunset around, eventhough we r almost 9pm from the restaurant, its still bright...we are head to bed since we r going to wake up early tomorrow to have quite along journey to yvoire.
n david told us bout some rules in, u cnt take a bath after 10pm in apartment coz it will disturbs others to sleep...and over all, ppl will go to bed around 9 - 10pm...n did i told u, in front of Aqua+Tech, there is a familiaux gardin which means family garden. because almost citizen in geneva live in d apartment, they bought this small piece of land to build a small houses n do some planting. but, in this family garden, they cant even sleep in here eventough they hv small houses there. they have to leave before 10pm...
n if u wana moved, u have to inform police...this is to make sure they know whr r u staying. n ppl that works with UN,WHO, ITO etc, they had different car registration no n these ppl dont have to pay tax, will nvr hv traffic tickets, n they can park everywhr n get half price of oil n accommodation is provided....doesnt it sounds great???
plus, highway in Swiss, u just pay 35 SF per year and dats it, no more tol....great huh???
n the public transportation over here is really2 great....u cn even go to paris by train....does it sound great???
but still, i miss home...miss the warmth of malaysia. eventhough its summer, the highest temperature will be around 20-26 only....u can walk all over the place n u wont sweat at all....
Monday, July 7
aku mencatatkan rekod 29 jam x mandi...
flight kt kuantan, 610 pm n arrived kl at 7smthng...then, patiently waited alone for nex flight which is on 23 45 to amsterdam...n after 12 hours on flight....the next flight will be schedule on another 2 hours but got cancelled when we r already on board...wth....we have to wait another 6 hours to our next flight to geneva...n arrived geneva in 2 hours from amsterdam....
sempat posing sementara tunggu flight yg cancelled itu...
then, when we arrived geneva, azrul'z luggage was missing....then, wait another hour then finally, get at d hotel....which is nearby MANOR, the geneva most popular shopping complex.its nearby the central of train n fact, it is centre of everything....
the next day, when to d factory n hv lunch there...n nearby is d largest perfume factory in d night, hv dinner in morroco halal restaurant

then, the next day, david took us to yvoire which is on france, to do some sight seeing....its a nice garden..
on sunday, since there is no shops is open on sunday, so, there is no shopping, we decided to go hiking on mont blanc.....due to the heavy rain, we took cable cars and 20 minutes of hiking to observation point...its damn cold since we nvr expected the hiking part....we all wet n cold....
despite d coldness n wet, its really breath taking scene from up above.......
n sempat mengambil gamba di dpn UN Geneva....heheheh...
byk lagi gamba tp x smpt sbb i juz post it during my lunch break..aku akan mengepos lagi esok...till then...
now, time to learn france...hehehe
flight kt kuantan, 610 pm n arrived kl at 7smthng...then, patiently waited alone for nex flight which is on 23 45 to amsterdam...n after 12 hours on flight....the next flight will be schedule on another 2 hours but got cancelled when we r already on board...wth....we have to wait another 6 hours to our next flight to geneva...n arrived geneva in 2 hours from amsterdam....
then, when we arrived geneva, azrul'z luggage was missing....then, wait another hour then finally, get at d hotel....which is nearby MANOR, the geneva most popular shopping complex.its nearby the central of train n fact, it is centre of everything....
the next day, when to d factory n hv lunch there...n nearby is d largest perfume factory in d night, hv dinner in morroco halal restaurant
then, the next day, david took us to yvoire which is on france, to do some sight seeing....its a nice garden..
on sunday, since there is no shops is open on sunday, so, there is no shopping, we decided to go hiking on mont blanc.....due to the heavy rain, we took cable cars and 20 minutes of hiking to observation point...its damn cold since we nvr expected the hiking part....we all wet n cold....
now, time to learn france...hehehe
Tuesday, July 1
its sindarela nite

this is totally the haircut dat the amoi show me earlier....yup, it definitely look like this at 1st place....eventhough it is only tuesday, unfortunately, i cnt handle it n now, it look like a lil bit messy...mesti amoi tu geleng kpale sbb aku mls jg....short hair need lots of care actually..for me la..sbb klo long hair, klo mls sgt, bley ikat jek...klo short hair, mn bley nk ikat....
so, i have to go on strict diet so that i can look as hot as renee...heheehe
n smlm, ak dpt tau my exactly convo aku..which is, engineering is on 15th august....
pas2, aku pn trus la mencarik hotel...gues wut???vistana n equatorial is already not took me 1/2 hours to finally get 1...erk actually 2 rooms for my family...its quite far, but stil, in d island, so, it doesnt matter as long as we have some place to crash...hahahah
yeay...alhamdulillah sume setel before i left....except for baju convo..decided to juz wear ready made baju nk g tempah2...
juz keje mmg x penah nk ciap kan....still trying to settle everythng before i went there....*sigh* much much more things to do......
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